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作者(外文):Lee, Fu-Yu
論文名稱(外文):Random fixed point theorems for sup-comparable and inf-comparable contraction
指導教授(外文):Chen, Chi-Ming
口試委員(外文):Lee, Chiun-Chang
Chen, Chung-Chuan
外文關鍵詞:Random fixed point theoremssup-comparable contractioninf-comparable contractionRandom fixed pointcontraction
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  • 評分評分:*****
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In this paper, we discuss about random fixed points in random metric spaces, by sup-comparable contraction map, and inf-comparable contraction map, respectively proving the existence of a random fixed point.Qur results generalize fixed point theorems in the literature.
1 Introduction and Preliminaries..... 2
2 Rrandom fixed point theorem for the random sup-comparable contraction..... 4
3 Rrandom fixed point theorem for the random inf-comparable
contraction..... 8
4 Rrandom fixed point theorem for the random strict comparable
contraction..... 14
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