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論文名稱(外文):Heteronuclear Dual MOT for Optical Trapped Rydberg Atoms
指導教授(外文):LIU, YI­-WEI
口試委員(外文):Chen, Ying-Cheng
外文關鍵詞:magneto optical trapRubidium atomPotassium atom
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  • 評分評分:*****
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本實驗主要是在架設一套磁光陷阱系統來冷卻及捕捉^{87}Rb以及^{39}K,這套新裝置的目標是要研究在異核種之間的雷德堡態的單原子;整個系統由五個主要部分組成。這套系統包括真空系統、磁場以及雷射光源:我們使用離子幫浦(ion pump)來使玻璃真空管中的真空度達到10^{-8} Torr;提供一對反式荷姆赫茲線圈2A的電流可以產生12 Gauss/cm的磁場梯度;雷射源的部分建立於光學注入所頻的架構上,包含cooling光以及repump光,其中外腔室半導體雷射(ECDL)為主要雷射,將很少功率的光注入兩台二極體雷射,這兩台雷射為從屬雷射,可以得到輸出超過100 mW的雷射功率以及頻率跟主要雷射相同。鎖頻部分將主要雷射鎖在^{87}Rb躍遷的飽和吸收光譜上,我們只需一套鎖頻系統,搭配光纖電光調製器(fiber EOM)的調製,調製頻率為6.568 GHz即可得到所需的兩種頻率,在產生磁光陷阱時的cooling光的光強度為8.8 mW/cm2。
我們使用螢光法來計算原子的數量,在我們的系統中,磁光陷阱中銣原子的數量約10^{6}個,平均密度為10^{10}個/cm3;系統中也包含了鉀原子,連同雷射源766 nm,鉀的冷原子也和銣原子一同形成於此系統中,鉀原子的數量約10^{9}個。
In this experiment, we set up a new system of magneto-optical trap to cool and trap ^{87}Rb and ^{39}K. The goal of this new apparatus is the study of the single Rydberg atoms between heteronuclear species. The entire system is composed of 5 major parts. This system includes the vacuum chamber, the magnetic field and the laser light sources. We use an ion pump to reach vapor pressure of 10^{-8} Torr in the glass cell. The magnetic field gradient of 12 Gauss/cm is generated by a pair of anti-Helmholtz coil with 2A current. The light sources, including the cooling laser and the repump laser, are built upon the architecture of injection locking, which the ECDL, the maser laser injecting a few power into two diode lasers, the slave lasers, to reach over 100 mW with the laser frequencies as the master laser. The master laser is locked to an atomic transition of ^{87}Rb using saturation absorption spectroscopy. We stabilize only one master laser to provide two frequencies using a fiber EOM modulator with modulation frequency of 6.568 GHz. The total intensity of the six cooling beam is 8.8 mW/cm2.
To observe the cold atoms, we use an imaging system to detect the fluorescence with a timing sequence to control the camera shutter. The magnification of optical imaging is 4X using a lens with a focal length of 50.2 mm. The EMCCD is used in our imaging system to reach a sensitivity of few photons. We control the timing sequence by FPGA using LabView.
We determine the number of atoms in the MOT by the fluorescence method. In our system, atoms of 10^{6} and the number density of 10^{10} cm-3 are achieved in the rubidium MOT. This system is also equipped with potassium source. Together with the built laser source of 766 nm, a cold potassium atomic cloud is also formed in the same apparatus, simultaneously with rubidium. The number of atoms of 10^{9} atoms in the potassium MOT.
第一章 介紹 1
1.1 動機 1
1.2 論文概述 1
第二章 理論背景 3
2.1 原子結構 3
2.2 磁光陷阱(Magneto-Optical Trap) 4
2.2.1 都卜勒效應 4
2.2.2 塞曼效應 4
2.2.3 反式荷姆赫茲線圈(Anti-Helmholtz Coil) 5
2.3 注入鎖頻( Injection Locking ) 6
2.4 光偶極阱位能 7
第三章 實驗架設 9
3.1 真空系統 9
3.1.1 Chamber Design 9
3.1.2 Rb and K source 10
3.1.3 Chamber Bake Out 11
3.2 磁場設計 13
3.2.1 MOT coil 13
3.2.2 地磁線圈(Compensation Coil) 14
3.2.3 電流控制裝置 15
3.3 雷射系統 17
3.3.1 外腔室半導體雷射(ECDL) 18
3.3.2 鎖頻光譜 19
3.3.3 Trapping Laser 21
3.3.4 Repump Laser 22
3.3.5 Rb and K mixed 24
3.3.6 MOT optical configuration 25
3.4 成像系統 26
3.5 時序控制(Timing Sequence) 29
3.6 光偶極阱系統 30
第四章 The MOT Characterization 31
4.1 Loading of MOT 31
4.2 原子數量的量測-螢光法 32
4.3 Dual MOT ( Rb and K ) 33
4.4 Molasses 34
第五章 結論及Future Work 35
5.1 結論 35
5.2 Future Work 35
參考資料 36
附件 38

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