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作者(外文):Chen, Jian-Kuang
論文名稱(外文):Correlations of microplastic distribution between water column, sediment, and in organisms in west coastal water of Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Young, Shu-Sen
口試委員(外文):Lee, Tsing-Fu
Chang, Hsiao-Yun
外文關鍵詞:microplasticsurface watermarine sedimentstomach contantNile redmarine pollution
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塑膠微粒的環境影響及生物危害已是全球關注的議題,本研究透過尼羅紅(Nile red)染色法及影像分析軟體(image J)鑑定並測量塑膠微粒之尺寸、形狀及顏色。本研究之樣本包含表層海水、海域底質、魚類及螃蟹樣本胃內之塑膠微粒,樣站位於苗栗縣近岸。在總計6,888.6 m3的表層海水樣本中共發現567件塑膠微粒,豐度為0.11±0.12 items/m3;總計4.92 m2的海域底質表層共發現793件塑膠微粒,豐度為160.8±158.7 items/m2;在總共126個魚類樣本的60個樣本(47.6%)中,共發現249件塑膠微粒,單一個體可發現 0–32 件塑膠微粒;總共62個螃蟹樣本的27個樣本(43.5%)中,共發現268件塑膠微粒,單一個體可發現0–101件塑膠微粒。
表層海水、魚類及螃蟹樣本中塑膠微粒尺寸皆以1.00–2.99 mm最多,海域底質樣本以< 1.00 mm最多(51.1%)。表層海水樣本中塑膠微粒顏色以白色居多(32.3%),海域底質樣本以透明居多(47.2%),魚類及螃蟹樣本胃內皆以黑色居多。表層海水樣本中塑膠微粒形狀以顆粒狀最多(51.3%),海域底質、魚類及螃蟹樣本皆以纖維狀最多。
主成分分析(principal components analysis, PCA)及集群分析(cluster)的結果顯示在塑膠微粒顏色、形狀及尺寸組成上,魚類及螃蟹樣本最接近,海域底質及表層海水則有獨立分群。且PCA的結果中最重要的負荷向量(loading factors)是顏色及形狀。海域底質中的塑膠微粒組成與生物體中的塑膠微粒組成較接近,黑色及纖維狀皆為其中最主要的塑膠微粒外觀特徵。
The concern of microplastic (MP) pollution impact on environment and organisms has already been an important issue worldwide. This study using Nile red dying method to identify plastic material and imageJ softeware to analyze abundance, size, shape, and color of MPs in each group of samples. The MPs sample collected from coastal area of Miouli county, Taiwan. The source of MPs included surface water, sediment, and stomach content of fishs and crabs. Around in 6,888.6 m3 surface water volume, 567 pices of MPs were detected, 0.11±0.12 items/m3 in abundance. Around in 4.92 m2 area of sediment surface layer, 793 MPs were detected, 160.8±158.7 items/m2 in abundance. Total of 249 pices of MPs were detected in 60 of 126 fish samples (47.6%), each fish can be found of 0–32 items of MPs. Total of 268 MPs are detected in 27 of 62 crab samples (43.5%), each crab can be found of 0–101 items of MPs.
MP size in surface water, fish, and crab samples were majorly between 1.00–2.99 mm, while in marine sediment samples was majorly < 1.00 mm (51.1%). The most common MP color in surface water was white (32.3%), and in marine sediment was transparent (47.2%); black were most common color in stomach content of fish and crab. The most common shape of MP in surface water was pellet (51.3%), fibers were the most common constitute in sediment and in stomach content of fish and crab.
MP size, shape, and color constitute data after Principal components analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis presented the grouping result as stomach content of fish and crab were similar and closest related, between surface water and sediment were in very different group. The most important loading factors in PCA are colors and shapes. The composition of MPs in marine sediment was close related to stomache content of fish and crab, in which black color and fiber shape MP were the most common features.
3.主成分分析(principal components analysis, PCA)--16
4.集群分析(cluster analysis)------------17
5.污染度指數(pollution load index, PLI)--17
6.塑膠微粒多樣性指數(microplastic diversity integrated index, MDII) ----------------------------------------17
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