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作者(外文):Wei, Xu-Bo
論文名稱(中文):變壓器耦合環形放電電漿源數值模擬研究 - 電壓源驅動模型
論文名稱(外文):Numerical Simulation Study of Transformer-Coupled Toroidal Discharges Plasma Source-Voltage Source Driven Model
外文關鍵詞:TCTDSource-Voltage Source DrivenHydrogen plasmaflow model
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本研究建立了電壓源驅動變壓器耦合環形放電電漿源—2D TCTD voltage source coil model,同時考慮到流場的影響,建立了有進出氣口的電壓源驅動的變壓器耦合環形放電電漿源-2D TCTD voltage source coil (flow) model,並探究電漿特性,以及不同線圈電壓對於電漿特性的影響。
在2D TCTD voltage source coil model中,在氣壓為2 Torr,線圈電壓1200 V下,達到穩態時,氫氣電漿密度約為7.84×1017 m-3,電漿的吸收功率為65.75 kW/m。模擬結果顯示,線圈電壓從1000V增大到1600V,電漿吸收功率提高1.1倍,電子密度提高1.5倍。
在2D TCTD voltage source coil (flow) model中,探討了加入流場對電漿特性的影響。在氣壓為2 Torr,線圈電壓1200 V下,達到穩態時,電子密度為5.9×1017 m-3,相較於2D TCTD voltage source coil model,在相同線圈電壓下,穩態時電子密度下降2 ×1017 m-3。電漿達到穩態後,分布與2D TCTD voltage source coil model相同,都為環狀分布。達到穩態時,電漿吸收功率為56.75 kW/m,電漿吸收功率佔全部功率的45%。模擬結果顯示,線圈電壓從1000V增大到3000V,出氣口H原子流量增大5.2倍。
In this study, a voltage source-driven transformer-coupled toroidal discharge plasma source-2D TCTD voltage source coil model is built, and a voltage source-driven transformer-coupled toroidal discharge plasma source-2D TCTD voltage source coil (flow) model with inlet and outlet is developed, and investigate the plasma characteristics of these two models and the effect of different coil voltages on the plasma characteristics.
In the 2D TCTD voltage source coil model, the hydrogen plasma density is about 7.84×1017 m-3 and the absorbed power of the plasma is 65.75 kW/m at a steady state of 2 Torr and 1200 V. The simulation results show that the plasma absorbed power increases by 1.1 times and the electron density increases by 1.5 times when the coil voltage increases from 1000 V to 1600 V.
In the 2D TCTD voltage source coil (flow) model, the effect of adding a flow field on the plasma characteristics was investigated. The electron density at steady state is 5.9 × 1017 m-3 at 2 Torr and 1200 V coil voltage, compared with the 2D TCTD voltage source coil model, the electron density at steady state decreases by 2 × 1017 m-3 at the same coil voltage. the distribution is the same as that of the 2D TCTD voltage source coil model. At steady state, the absorbed power of the plasma is 56.75 kW/m, and absorbed power of the plasma accounts for 45% of the total power. The simulation results show that the coil voltage increases from 1000 V to 3000 V, and the H-atom flux at the outlet increases by 5.2 times.
The simulation results show that the plasma can be ignited and reach a stable state, and the main plasma region meets the quasi-electrically neutral condition with a ring-like distribution in the cavity as expected. In addition, there is a voltage potential difference between the terminal of the coil and the ground, forming a capacitive impedance, so the impedance is capacitive at low voltages. By increasing the coil voltage, the plasma density in the cavity increases, and the inductive current and field are generated in the plasma area, and the impedance of the model changes from capacitive to inductive.
摘要 2
第一章 簡介 14
1.1研究背景 14
1.2鐵磁增強電感耦合電漿源與變壓器耦合環形放電之簡介 16
1.3 研究動機與目的 17
第二章 文獻回顧 19
2.1 變壓器環形線圈放電電漿文獻回顧 19
2.2 文獻回顧結論 31
第三章 物理模型與研究方法 32
3.1 模擬軟體介紹 32
3.2 模擬之物理模型 33
3.2.1 電磁場求解 33
3.2.2 電子傳輸理論 35
3.2.3 離子與中性粒子傳輸理論 38
3.2.4 流體熱傳理論 42
3.2.5 邊界條件 44
3.3 模擬之幾何結構 46
3.4 反應式資料庫 48

第四章 電壓源變壓器耦合環形放電電漿模擬結果 52
4.1 電壓源2D TCTD model電漿模擬條件與初始參數 52
4.2 電壓源2D TCTD model電漿暫態模擬結果 53
4.2.1 電壓源2D TCTD model 線圈電學特性與電磁場分布 53
4.2.2 電壓源2D TCTD model 電漿基本放電特性 57
4.2.2 電壓源2D TCTD model電漿於不同線圈電壓下之電漿特性 74
第五章 電壓源變壓器耦合環形放電電漿模擬結果(流場) 84
5.1電壓源2D TCTD (flow) model電漿模擬條件與初始參數 84
5.2 電壓源2D TCTD (flow) model電漿暫態模擬結果 86
5.2.1 電壓源2D TCTD (flow) model電漿基本放電特性 86
5.2.2 電壓源2D TCTD (flow) model電漿重粒子分析 100
5.2.3 電壓源2D TCTD (flow) model電漿於不同線圈電壓下之電漿特性 110
第六章 總結 118
6.1 總結 118
參考資料 121

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