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作者(外文):Houng, Cheng-Chung
論文名稱(外文):UNISON Framework for Evaluating Smart Factory Solutions to Empower Industry 3.5
指導教授(外文):Chien, Chen-Fu
口試委員(外文):Peng, Jin-Tang
Huang, Yi-Chao
外文關鍵詞:Industrial 4.0Industrial 3.5smart factoryUNISON
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RAMI 4.0(Reference Architecture Model Industry 4.0,工業4.0參考架構模型) 是由德國BITKOM、VDMA及ZVEI等工業組織所共同發展及發表,提供工業4.0系統一個基本的參考模型,使企業能以結構性的方法來進行工業4.0之研究與實現,以確保工業4.0之推行及參與者可在一個共同的認知下來進行。透過參考架構模型,企業可從架構模型中,尋找到企業自己的位置,以導入相對應之智慧製造方案。
本研究參考RAMI4.0、美國IIRA(Industrial Internet Reference Architecture)、日本IVRA(Industrial Value Chain Reference Architecture)以及中國國家智能製造標準體系建設指南等參考架構模型之精神,運用UNISON分析架構,引導決策者經由策略目標之定義,找出推案之根本目標與層級架構,並以根本目標為基礎結合工業3.5策略目標,提出適合台灣工業3.5智慧製造執行之參考架構模型與應用架構,讓參考者快速定位需求與方向,再透過此應用架構製作技術需求矩陣,使用者即可藉由技術需求矩陣找出相對應之關鍵技術內容,據以執行。
關鍵字: 工業4.0、工業3.5、智慧工廠、紫式決策架構
Due to the vigorous development of AI technology, the demand for smart manufacturing, Industry 4.0 and Industry 3.5 is increasing. However, during the adoption process, it is found that the adoption content is all-encompassing and is often confused by various technical terms. It is difficult to target the actual needs under the constrain of the capabilities limitation of the company and make the suitable decision of develop iterm for the enterprise through objective and professional evaluation and analysis. So that it falls into the trap of decision-making, resulting in a gap between investment expectations and actual benefits, and the results are not effective.
RAMI4.0 (Reference Architecture Model Industry 4.0) is developed and published by industrial organizations in Germany. RAMI 4.0 provide Industry 4.0 a baisic reference model to ensure the I 4.0 can be implemented and realize in a structure method under common experience. Through the entire structure, the enterprise can find its acture needs and introduce the corresponding plan.
This research refers to the RAMI4.0, IIRA (Industrial Internet Reference Architecture), IVRA (Industrial Value Chain Reference Architecture), and China's National Intelligent Manufacturing Standard System Construction Guide. We uses UNISON analyze framework to induce decision makers through the definition of strategic objectives to find out the fundamental objectives and hierarchical network architecture of the proposed project, and combine the Industrial 3.5 strategic objectives based on the project fundamental objective, and propose an architecture reference model and application framework for Taiwan's Industrial 3.5 smart manufacturing to be the reference to quickly locate the needs and direction. Finally, through the application framework to create a demand technology matrix, users can find the corresponding key technology content through the demand technology matrix, and execute them accordingly.
The empirical study of this research, through the proposed reference model framework, quickly defines the problem according to customer needs, finds the fundamental objective, and summarizes the demand technology matrix through the reference model application framework, and proposes specific implementation planning recommendations to verify this research validity and feasibility.
Keywords: Industrial 4.0, Industrial 3.5, smart factory, UNISON.

目錄 i
表目錄 iv
圖目錄 v
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景、動機與重要性 1
1.2 研究目的 4
1.3 論文結構 5
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1 德國RAMI 4.0 6
2.1.1 RAMI 4.0模型概述 6 應用層級 (Architecture axis "Layer") 7 產品生命週期與價值鏈(Life cycle and value chain axis) 11 階層層級(Hierarchy Level axis) 13
2.1.2 RAMI4.0解構與應用 17 工業4.0元件(Industry 4.0 Component) 18 工業4.0工具箱(Industry 4.0 Toolbox) 20
2.2 美國IIRA 25
2.2.1 IIRA的概念 25
2.2.2 IIRA之解構與應用 27
2.2.3 IIRA與RAMI 4.0之比較 30
2.3 日本IVRA 32
2.3.1 IVRA的概念 32
2.3.2 IVRA應用 34
2.3.3 IVRA與RAMI 4.0之比較 36
2.4 中國國家智能製造標準體系建設指南 37
2.4.1 中國國家智能製造標準體系概念 37
2.4.2 中國國家智能製造標準體系之應用 40
2.4.3 中國國家智能製造標準體系與RAMI 4.0之比較 41
2.5 紫式決策分析框架 42
2.6 工業3.5智慧製造策略 44
2.7 相關文獻整理與評析 45
第三章 研究架構 48
3.1 瞭解及定義問題 49
3.2 利基與架構 51
3.2.1 決策目標定義 51
3.2.2 工業3.5智慧製造參考架構模型(Reference Architecture Model) 54 策略架構層級 54 系統層級 55 技術層級 56 工業3.5與參考架構模型之映對關係 57
3.3 架構影響關係 58
3.3.1 建立目標層級架構 58
3.3.2 建立參考模型應用架構 59
3.4 客觀敍述 61
3.4.1 評估屬性 61
3.4.2 技術與工具 66
3.4.3 智慧製造技術需求矩陣 69 需求矩陣 69
3.5 綜合判斷 71
3.6 最適決策 72
第四章 實證研究 73
4.1 實證研究問題之背景與情境說明 73
4.2 「工業3.5智慧製造實現方案選擇」實證 74
4.2.1 問題定義 75
4.2.2 利基發掘 76
4.2.3 影響關係 76
4.2.4 客觀敘述 78
4.2.5 綜合判斷與決策 78
4.3 A公司智慧製造實作範例 79
4.3.1 資訊基礎建設 79
4.3.2 智能裝備與工業網路 80
4.3.3 智慧整合 82
4.3.4 管控系統 83
4.3.5 應用服務 84
4.4 「工業3.5智慧製造參考架構模型」導入智慧製造之建議 84
第五章 結論 86
5.1 研究貢獻和限制 86
5.2 未來研究方向 86
參考文獻 88

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