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作者(外文):Chou, Chiao-Chi.
論文名稱(外文):“Where Are We Going?” Subjectivity transfer and practice: Take the series of works ”Biosignal” as An Example
指導教授(外文):LI, CHIA-WEI
口試委員(外文):Yu, Su-May
Chu, Kun-Liang
Tao, Ya-Lun
Tsao, Tsun-Hui
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:241
  • 評分評分:*****
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  This paper aims to discuss, in consideration of today’s blooming development in in technologies such as the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence, the creative process of the author’s own serial artwork Biosignal (2020) in terms of approaching the question of “Where are we going?” as well as the dynamics between the artwork’s artist, the artwork, and the audience. The author illustrates the conjecture of man-made technologies or their “derivatives/hybrid derivatives” continuing to evolve before finally replacing mankind and even developing the intelligence for communication and group decision-making to create their own civilization by taking artworks of “empowerment” as the experimental field in exhibitions to give the artworks “autonomy” that in turn derives into “subjectivity.” By choosing, for media, plants that are unpredictable, responsive, and perceptive in themselves, and integrating them with machines to create new features, the artwork is capable of actively interacting with its audience. Moreover, the different interaction modes provide the audience with two possible perspectives – “the beholden” or “bridge” – when they participate, so that the exhibition space becomes one in which the artwork and its audience serve as mutual subject for one another. The notion that, in a non-human-dominated space, only humans can engage in artistic behavior is thus challenged and raises a further question – How does a participating audience’s agency work in such interactive process?

第一章 緒論 1
1-1 創造邊緣主體 4

第二章 作品構成主體 7
2-1生物媒材質性 7
2-1-1生物與機器的結合與歸類 8
2-1-2機器介入生物之於藝術應用 11
2-2作者、作品、觀者,三個端點的權力關係 17
2-2-1互動藝術作品案例爬梳 17
2-2-2自身作品脈絡與互動模式 24

第三章 構成作品《Apercevoir》-建立賽博格物聯網 27
3-1作者藉由機器介入導向作品的構成 27
3-1-1創造賽博格-生物媒材與機器的結合 29
3-1-2賽博格生物體串聯 37
3-1-3作品-觀者互動介面 38
3-2觀者的角色決定視角 40
3-2-1旁觀者與橋接者-角色選擇之間 40
3-2-2兩種視角的互動流程 42
3-3小結 44

第四章 擴展新生態系統與展製 45
4-1賽博格體控制佔領區 45
4-2系列作品《Biosignal信釋》的構成 45
4-2-1構成作品《Pneuma》-以陽光作為源頭 47
4-2-2構成作品《Breathing》-空氣與存活 52
4-2-3構成《Cradle》-水源孕育地 56
4-3系列作品《Biosignal信釋》展演紀錄 59

第五章 結論 65
參考文獻及附錄 68
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