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作者(外文):Yang, Yuan-Fu
論文名稱(外文):Automatic Identification of Semiconductor Defect Using Hybrid Quantum-Classical Deep Learning
指導教授(外文):Sun, Min
口試委員(外文):Lin, Chia-Wen
Liu, Yi-Wen
Chiu, Yu-Fang
Chiu, Wei-Chen
Lin, Yen-Yu
Chen, Yi-Ting
外文關鍵詞:Deep LearningQuantum Neural NetworkDefect Detection
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  • 點閱點閱:160
  • 評分評分:*****
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Under the vigorous development of the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence, the demand for semiconductor chips has risen sharply. The massive expansion of semiconductor manufacturing and the development of new technologies will create more defect wafers. These defect wafers will not only cause the cost loss of the chip manufacturing company, but also lose the trust of customers. In addition, these undetected defect wafers will have an impact on our environment in the subsequent ineffective semiconductor processing, such as energy consumption and carbon dioxide emission.
This study proposes defect recognition and classification algorithms suitable for the two scenarios in the semiconductor manufacturing process. Firstly, a classical deep learning algorithm suitable for edge computing is proposed for high-throughput and non-bottleneck process stages. The defect inspection of this process usually requires real-time calculation and fast response to avoid continuous processing of the process with defects to bring more defective products. The lightweight model proposed in this paper has fast inference capabilities and is suitable for deployment in semiconductor edge computing devices.
Second, for low-throughput bottleneck process stages, this paper proposes a hybrid quantum-classical deep learning model that leverages the processing advantages of quantum computing to facilitate deep learning defect review. The characteristic of this process is that the production and processing cycle is relatively long, and it does not require instant calculation speed and response time at the millisecond level. The feature extraction of classical computer combined with the classification operation of quantum computer can effectively improve the accuracy of defect identification. Furthermore, this paper explores parametric quantum circuits with various entangling and expressibility capabilities. The experimental results of this study can be used to build a roadmap for future semiconductor defect detection.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
一、 研究背景與目的 1
1.1 背景說明 1
1.2 缺陷介紹 2
1.2.1 晶圓缺陷圖(Wafer Defect Map) 2
1.2.2 缺陷圖案(Defect Pattern) 3
1.2.3 光刻熱點(Lithography Hotspot) 5
1.3 機器學習應用 6
1.4 量子計算應用 7
1.5 研究目標 9
1.5.1 邊緣運算 10
1.5.2 量子運算 10
1.6 研究貢獻 11
1.7 社會影響說明(Societal Impact) 12
二、 文獻探討 13
2.1 半導體缺陷檢測 13
2.1.1 晶圓缺陷圖檢測(Wafer Defect Map Detection) 13
2.1.2 缺陷圖案檢測(Defect Pattern Detection) 19
2.1.3 光刻熱點檢測(Lithography Hotspot Detection) 20
2.2 高效率網路 24
2.2.1 輕量化網路 24
2.2.2 自我注意力機制(Self-Attention) 25
2.3 量子機器學習 27
2.4 量子深度學習 28
三、 研究方法 31
3.1 自我增殖與注意力神經網路 31
3.1.1 自我增殖區塊(Self-Proliferation Block) 32
3.1.2 自我注意力區塊(Self-Attention Block) 33
3.1.3 自我增值與自我注意力區塊(Self-Proliferation-and-Attention Block) 35
3.1.4 自我增值與自我注意力網路(Self-Proliferation-and-Attention Network) 36
3.1.5 模型演算法 37
3.2 混合量子-經典深度學習模型 38
3.2.1 模型架構 38
3.2.2 經典卷積神經網路層(Classical-CNN Layer) 39
3.2.3 量子神經網路層(Quantum Neural Network, QNN) 40
3.2.4 經典神經網路層(Classical-NN Layer) 45
3.2.5 量子激活函數(Quantum Activation Function) 46
3.3 最佳化訓練 47
3.3.1 損失函數(Loss Function) 47
3.3.2 學習率(Learning Rate) 48
四、 實驗設計與結果 49
4.1 資料探索 49
4.1.1 晶圓缺陷圖(Wafer Defect Map) 49
4.1.2 缺陷圖案(Defect Pattern) 49
4.1.3 光刻熱點(LIT Hotspot) 52
4.2 資料增值(Data Augmentation) 52
4.3 實驗設計與實施 54
4.3.1 基礎模型(Baseline Model) 54
4.3.2 評估指標(Evaluation Metrics) 56
4.3.3 實驗設備 57
4.3.4 訓練與測試方式 57
4.3.5 超參數(Hyperparameters)與函數設置 58
4.3.6 量子電路(Quantum Circuit)設計 59
4.4 消融研究(Ablation Study) 60
4.4.1 自我增殖與注意力神經網路消融研究 61
4.4.2 混合量子-經典深度學習量子神經網路消融研究 68
4.5 實驗結果與模型比較 70
4.5.1 晶圓缺陷圖(Wafer Defect Map)比較 70
4.5.2 缺陷圖案(Defect Pattern)比較 71
4.5.3 光刻熱點(LIT Hotspot)比較 72
4.5.4 參數量與性能比較 73
4.6 實驗結果討論 74
五、 結論與未來研究規劃 76
文獻 77
附錄 86
1. 社會影響與責任說明 86
1.1 節水分析 86
1.2 節能與碳足跡分析 88
2. 其他公開資料集實驗結果 89
2.1 CIFAR-10資料集驗證 89
2.2 ImageNet ILSVRC 2012資料集驗證 89
3. 模型架構與程式介紹 91
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