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作者(外文):Lee, Kuan-Hsun
論文名稱(外文):Using Synchrotron-based X-ray Diffraction to Study High-pressure Effects of High Entropy Alloys
指導教授(外文):Lin, Chin-Ming
Chiang, Ching-Yu
口試委員(外文):Ku, Ching-Shun
Juang, Jhen-Yi
Hsieh, Wan-Zhen
外文關鍵詞:Synchrotron radiationX-ray diffractionHigh entropy alloysHigh-pressure induced phase transformation
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  • 評分評分:*****
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結構相變的定義為因為溫度、壓力等物理環境因素的改變而引起的結構的變化。在實驗中嘗試以壓力誘導〖Al〗_0.5 CrFe〖Co〗_1.5 〖Ni〗_1.5, 〖Ti〗_0.5 CrFe〖Co〗_1.5 〖Ni〗_1.5和〖Al〗_0.2 CrFe〖Co〗_1.5 〖Ni〗_1.5 〖Ti〗_0.3相變。A部分從Laue diffraction顯示在常壓下的三種高熵合金都是FCC結構。XRD圖顯示出高熵合金在高壓下緩慢的壓縮形變,但是整體結構依然維持穩定,傳壓介質氖在5 GPa的時候結晶化並且也隨著壓力形變。三種高熵合金的體積模數都在136 GPa左右,遠大於氖的10 GPa,其硬度以及高壓下的表現都非常相似。
B部分優化了我們數據遮罩的技術,將傳壓介質氖的訊號移除。〖Al〗_0.5 CrFe〖Co〗_1.5 〖Ni〗_1.5, 〖Ti〗_0.5 CrFe〖Co〗_1.5 〖Ni〗_1.5和〖Al〗_0.2 CrFe〖Co〗_1.5 〖Ni〗_1.5 〖Ti〗_0.3 三個樣品分別在14 GPa, 11.9 GPa和13.1 GPa相變,在FCC(111)的低角度出現了HCP(100)的峰。顯示高熵合金受壓力引導相變,導致部分FCC結構轉變為HCP結構。
This paper mainly wants to understand the mechanism of high-entropy alloys under pressure. Using high-intensity X-ray diffraction can clearly know the structure of high-entropy alloys, and observe the changes of structure under high pressure. Generally speaking, when pressure is continuously increased, the HEAs will be affected by distortion and stress, leading to the phase transformation.
Phase transformation is defined as the change in structure caused by changes in physical environmental factors such as temperature and pressure. The experiment tried to induce 〖Al〗_0.5 CrFe〖Co〗_1.5 〖Ni〗_1.5, 〖Ti〗_0.5 CrFe〖Co〗_1.5 〖Ni〗_1.5 and 〖Al〗_0.2 CrFe〖Co〗_1.5 〖Ni〗_1.5 〖Ti〗_0.3 phase transformation by pressure. Part A shows that the three HEAs are all FCC structures at atmospheric pressure in Laue diffraction. XRD patterns show the HEAs slowly compressed and deformed under high pressure, but the structure remains stable. Pressure medium neon crystallized at around 5 GPa and also deformed with the increasing pressure. The bulk modulus of the three HEAs is around 136 GPa, which is much larger than the 10 GPa of neon. The hardness and behavior under high-pressure of the three HEAs are very similar.
Part B optimizes our data masking technology to remove the signal of the pressure-transmitting medium neon. 〖Al〗_0.5 CrFe〖Co〗_1.5 〖Ni〗_1.5, 〖Ti〗_0.5 CrFe〖Co〗_1.5 〖Ni〗_1.5 and 〖Al〗_0.2 CrFe〖Co〗_1.5 〖Ni〗_1.5 〖Ti〗_0.3 have phase transformation at 14 GPa, 11.9 GPa and 13.1 GPa, respectively. HCP (100) appears at the low angle of FCC (111). It is shown that the high-entropy alloys undergo the pressure-induced phase transformation, resulting in a partial transformation of the FCC structure into the HCP structure.
List of Figures---VII
List of Tables---XI
Chapter 1 Introduction---1
1.1 HEAs---1
1.2 Four core effects---3
1.2.1 High entropy effect---4
1.2.2 Sluggish diffusion---5
1.2.3 Severe lattice distortion---5
1.2.4 Cocktail effects---8
1.3 Motivation---10
Chapter 2 Literature review---13
Chapter 3 Instrumentation---19
3.1 Synchrotron radiation---19
3.2 APS beamline---23
3.2.1 13ID-D beamline---23
3.2.2 Diamond-anvil cell---24
3.2.3 Data analysis---26
3.3 TPS 21A beamline---29
3.3.1 Nanodiffraction---29
3.3.2 Sample preparation---30
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion---33
4.1 〖Al〗_0.5 CrFe〖Co〗_1.5 〖Ni〗_1.5, 〖Ti〗_0.5 CrFe〖Co〗_1.5 〖Ni〗_1.5 and 〖Al〗_0.2 CrFe〖Co〗_1.5 〖Ni〗_1.5 〖Ti〗_0.3 at atmospheric pressure---33
4.1.1 Laue diffraction mapping---33
4.1.2 X-ray fluorescence---43
4.1.3 X-ray diffraction at atmospheric pressure---46
4.2 X-ray diffraction pattern vs. Pressure---48
4.2.1 〖Al〗_0.5 Cr Fe〖Co〗_1.5 〖Ni〗_1.5---48
4.2.2 〖Ti〗_0.5 Cr Fe〖Co〗_1.5 〖Ni〗_1.5---53
4.2.3 〖Al〗_0.2 CrFe〖Co〗_1.5 〖Ni〗_1.5 〖Ti〗_0.3---57
4.3 Deformation---61
4.3.1 D-spacing vs. pressure---61
4.3.2 Lattice constant---63
4.3.3 Bulk modulus---66
4.4 X-ray diffraction pattern with neon masked---70
4.4.1 Pressurize---70
4.4.2 Depressurize---78
4.4.3 Deformation---81
4.5 Lattice strain and crystallite size---84
Chapter 5 Conclusion---91
Chapter 6 Future Works---92
Chapter 7 Reference---93
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