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作者(外文):Pan, Feng-Ting
論文名稱(外文):Constructing A Course Related Book Recommendation System Based on LDA Topic Models
指導教授(外文):Ou, Kuo-Liang
口試委員(外文):Tarng, Wern-Huar
Chu, Tsai-Hsin
外文關鍵詞:Core CompetenciesRecommendation SystemTopic ModelingText MiningBook
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  • 點閱點閱:47
  • 評分評分:*****
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Developing students' Core Competencies is the critical purpose of K-12 Education in Taiwan. The goal of K-12 Education is to create students’ knowledge, ability, and attitude to face future challenges. The focus of teaching turns to ensure that students have essential competencies. This makes teachers encounter more tasks on curriculum design, information collecting and the ability to transform the knowledge while increasing the loading on teachers.
To expand the boundaries of the curriculum, and to provide reference books related to the subject of the curriculum. This paper constructs a course-related book recommendation system based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation topic models. Collect 147,990 book information from the TAAZE website, and use text mining technology to analyze 11 course teaching plans. Then use the cosine principle to calculate the distance between the course and the book, and recommend books related to the course. The questionnaire results show that book recommendation system can improve the quality of the courses, work efficiency of teachers and reduce the time and pressure of teachers to search for course information when preparing the lessons. The results can be a reference when developing a learning resource recommendation system in the future.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 4
1.3 研究範圍與限制 5

第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1 十二年國教課程趨勢 6
2.1.1 十二年國教課綱的內涵 6
2.1.2 十二年國教課綱對教師的挑戰 8
2.1.3 以課綱為本的課程設計 9
2.2 推薦系統 11
2.3 文字探勘及隱含狄利克雷分佈模型 13
2.3.1 常見的詞向量模型 14
2.3.2 隱含狄利克雷分佈模型 15

第三章 研究方法 18
3.1 研究流程架構 18
3.2 建立資料集 20
3.3 斷詞工具 25
3.4 LDA模型訓練 27
3.5 計算課程與書籍之相似度 31

第四章 研究結果 32
4.1 研究對象背景與常用搜尋管道 32
4.2 課程相關書籍推薦結果 35
4.2.1 文字探勘課程關鍵字分析 35
4.2.2 隱含的主題內容 37
4.2.3 跨領域的書籍推薦 40
4.3 課程相關書籍之推薦效益 42
4.3.1 推薦結果之相關性、新穎性及實用性效益分析 42
4.3.2 推薦書籍之輔助程度與滿意程度效益分析 44

第五章 結論 47
5.1 研究結論 47
5.1.1 應用文字探勘技術進行文本分析 47
5.1.2 課程學習資源推薦模型 48
5.1.3 LDA主題模型推薦書籍之效益 48
5.2 未來研究建議 50

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