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作者(外文):Ho, Tsai-Hsuan
論文名稱(中文):努力信念對學業拖延的預測效果: 以時間觀為中介
論文名稱(外文):The Predictive Effects of Effort Beliefs on Academic Procrastination: Orientations of Time Perspective as Mediators
指導教授(外文):Chen, Shun-Wen
外文關鍵詞:Obligation-oriented belief about effortImprovement-oriented belief about effortTime perspectiveAcademic procrastination
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Previous researches from the perspective of cultural psychology have pointed out that Western motivation theories could not comprehensively explain the psychological and behavioral phenomena of learning in non-Western cultures. In this study, the author examined how Taiwanese high-school students' effort beliefs could predict their academic procrastination through orientations of time perspective. According to the theoretical framework of Chinese achievement goals, students may held two types of beliefs when pursuing academic goals: "Obligation-oriented belief about effort" (OBE) which is to belief that it is the student's obligation to work hard, and "Improvement-oriented belief about effort" (IBE) which is to belief that working hard will improve academic ability. Furthermore, the time perspective consists of five orientations or dimensions: Past-positive (PP), Past-negative (PN), Present-hedonistic (PH), Present-fatalistic (PF), and Future time perspective (FT). In the present study, the questionnaire method was adopted and 527 participants (237 males and 290 females) of high-school students were enrolled. The results of confirmative factor analysis showed that the reliability and validity of all scales were good. Results of structural equation model showed that: (1) OBE was positively correlated with PP and FT, but negatively correlated with PN and PF; (2) IBE was positively correlated with PP, PH, and FT; (3) Entity theory of intelligence was positively correlated with PF and negatively correlated with PH; (4) PP, PN, PH, and PF could positively predict academic procrastination, whereas FT negatively predicted academic procrastination; (5) Time perspective negatively mediated the effect of OBE on academic procrastination; (6) Students’ tendency of academic procrastination negatively predicted their scores of mid-term exam.

第一章 緒論-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1
第一節 努力信念與學業拖延--------------------------------------------------------------------1
第二節 多向度時間觀--------------------------------------------------------------------------3
第三節 努力信念、時間觀與學業拖延之關聯----------------------------------------------------5
第二章 文獻探討-------------------------------------------------------------------------------7
第一節 華人文化下的努力信念------------------------------------------------------------------7
第二節 時間觀--------------------------------------------------------------------------------11
第三節 學業拖延------------------------------------------------------------------------------16
第四節 研究假設與架構-----------------------------------------------------------------------18
第三章 研究方法-----------------------------------------------------------------------------24
第一節 參與者--------------------------------------------------------------------------------24
第二節 研究工具-----------------------------------------------------------------------------26
第三節 研究程序-----------------------------------------------------------------------------32
第四章 研究結果-----------------------------------------------------------------------------33
第一節 信效度檢驗---------------------------------------------------------------------------33
第二節 描述性統計---------------------------------------------------------------------------45
第三節 結構方程模式分析---------------------------------------------------------------------47
第四節 小結----------------------------------------------------------------------------------57
第五章 討論----------------------------------------------------------------------------------61
第一節 研究結果摘述-------------------------------------------------------------------------61
第二節 結果討論-----------------------------------------------------------------------------64
第三節 研究限制與建議-----------------------------------------------------------------------71
附錄一 家長同意書---------------------------------------------------------------------------80
附錄二 問卷----------------------------------------------------------------------------------81
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