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論文名稱(外文):A Study of Diagram Complexity on Students' Geometry Proof Performance
指導教授(外文):Hsu, Hui Yu
口試委員(外文):Cheng, Jeng Chung
Cheng, Ying Hao
外文關鍵詞:diagram complexitykey propertygeometric proof performance
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:213
  • 評分評分:*****
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Geometry is an important field in mathematics. When people begin to understand the world, they use vision to observe objects in life. Visual reading of geometric figures plays an important role in geometry learning. Many students have difficulties in learning geometry because graphics involve too many geometric properties. This research attempts to explore whether it will affect the students' proof performance under the same known conditions but different diagram complexity, and then discuss the identification of key properties. This research first proposes three types of task with diagram complexity: complete overlapping, partial overlapping and complete separation which is subdivided into overlapping edges and overlapping angles. A sample of 249 students in grade 9 and 299 students in grade 10 who have studied the geometric proof of triangles will be tested.
In view of the diagram complexity, the results of the study show that students in grade 9 and grade 10 the perform better in overall proof of complete separation, and there is no difference between complete overlapping and partial overlapping. At the same time, the overall proof performance of grade 10 is also better than that of the grade 9. This research discusses the differences of each question again. The results of the research show that complete separation is only the best proof performance in the second and fourth question groups. It means that the cognitive requirements generated by different diagram complexity are very different to show the difference, and the impact caused by the angle overlap is greater than the edge overlap. However, there is no difference between the proof performance of the grade 9 and grade 10 in the fourth question group and the fifth question group. The key property of the identification is the common strangeness of junior and senior high schools. Researchers believe that there are three reasons for the impact: first, diagram complexity do interfere with students in grades 9 and 10, causing difficulties in answering both; second, the geometric property of the circle in the fifth question group is more difficult for student’s. The number of people who identified the diameter of the circle to the right angle was less than 50%; third, high school students give up quickly, but junior high school students will try their best to squeeze out geometric properties because of the CAP in Taiwan.
Regarding the observation of the key properties of each question, the research results show that (1) when it is proved that the targets overlap, it is more difficult for students to identify the common key properties to the edges or angles. (2) The more geometric properties of the task, the more unfavorable the identification of the common key property. (3) Complete separation is easier to identify limited key properties than complete overlapping. Finally, the research results provide relevant suggestions for follow-up research and mathematics teaching.
第一章  緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與背景 1
第二節 研究目的與研究問題 5
第三節 名詞解釋 5
第四節 研究限制 5
第二章  文獻探討 6
第一節 幾何認知發展模式與幾何圖形理解 6
一、 van Hiele的幾何認知發展模式 6
二、 Duval的幾何圖形理解 9
第二節 九年一貫與十二年國教課程綱要-幾何目標 15
一、 九年一貫的幾何推理能力指標 16
二、 十二年國教的幾何推理能力指標 17
第三節 學生學習幾何證明的困難與幾何圖形複雜度 21
第三章  研究方法 25
第一節 問卷調查法 25
第二節 研究架構與研究流程 26
一、 研究架構 26
二、 研究流程 26
第三節 研究工具 28
第四節 研究樣本與施測方式 33
第五節 資料整理與分析 35
第四章  研究結果與討論 37
第一節 九年級與十年級學生在三種圖形複雜度的證明表現 37
一、 描述性統計 37
二、 九年級與十年級學生在三種圖形複雜度的整體證明表現 40
三、 九年級與十年級學生在三種圖形複雜度的各題證明表現 49
第二節 九年級與十年級學生在三種圖形複雜度的關鍵性質辨識 59
一、 邊重合類別辨識 59
二、 角重合類別辨識 62
第五章  結論與建議 68
第一節 結論 68
一、 圖形複雜度影響九年級與十年級證明表現情形 68
二、 圖形複雜度影響九年級與十年級學生的關鍵性質辨識情形 70
第二節 建議 73
參考文獻 75
附錄一 圖形複雜度研究問卷 78
附錄二 幾何證明表現與解題編碼 102
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