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作者(外文):Chen, Pei-Cheng
論文名稱(外文):The Effects of the Integration of Multi-media into Interactive E-Picture books on Seventh Graders’ Learning Achievement and Learning Attitudes: An Example of “Composition of Organism”
指導教授(外文):Wu, Chun-Ming
口試委員(外文):Su, Hung-Jen
Lin, Chiu-Pin
外文關鍵詞:multimediainteractive e-picture bookslearning achievementlearning attitude
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  The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of the integration of multi-media into interactive e-picture books on seventh graders’ learning achievement and learning attitudes of “Composition of Organism”.
  The research employed a quasi-experimental pre-test and post-test design, with participants from two classes of the seventh graders in a junior high school in the Hsinchu area. The experimental group (27 students) received the Integration of Multi-media into Interactive E-Picture Books Teaching in the unit of “Composition of Organism”, while the control group (26 students) received conventional teaching in the same unit. Research tools included the "Cell Unit Learning Achievement Test", the "Science Learning Attitude Scale", the "Learning Experience Questionnaire for Using The Integration of Multi-media into Interactive E-Picture books" ,and the "The Integration of Multi-media into Interactive E-Picture books: Completing Secret Missions in Cells". Data analysis methods involved descriptive statistical analysis, paired samples t-test analysis, and one-way analysis of covariance.The main conclusions are as follows:

1. Both the Integration of Multi-media into Interactive E-Picture Books Teaching and conventional teaching significantly enhanced the overall learning achievement of seventh-grade students in the "Composition of Organism" unit. However, the effectiveness of the Integration of Multi-media into Interactive E-Picture Books Teaching in improving the overall learning achievement of seventh-grade students in the "Composition of Organism" unit was significantly higher than that of conventional teaching.

2. The effectiveness of the Integration of Multi-media into Interactive E-Picture Books Teaching in enhancing the learning achievements of seventh-grade students in the dimensions of "Cell Structure and Function," "Comparison of Animal and Plant Cells," and "Intracellular and Extracellular Movement" did not show a significant difference compared to conventional teaching. However, the effectiveness in improving the learning achievement dimension of "Diffusion and Osmosis" was significantly higher than that of conventional teaching.

3. After the Integration of Multi-media into Interactive E-Picture Books Teaching and conventional teaching, seventh-grade students still showed limited significant progress in the understanding of many concepts about the "Composition of Organism" unit. Possible reasons for this include insufficient instructional time, teaching materials and design that did not emphasize or relied solely on the presentation of images and text, and the inability of teachers to effectively assist students in synthesizing information.

4. The Integration of Multi-media into Interactive E-Picture Books Teaching significantly improved the overall learning attitudes of seventh-grade students in the "Composition of Organism" unit. In contrast, not only did conventional teaching fail to significantly enhance the overall learning attitudes of seventh-grade students in the "Composition of Organism" unit, but it might also have the potential to decrease students' overall learning attitudes.

5. The effectiveness of the Integration of Multi-media into Interactive E-Picture Books Teaching in improving the overall learning attitudes of seventh-grade students in the "Composition of Organism" unit is significantly higher than that of conventional teaching.

6. The effectiveness of the Integration of Multi-media into Interactive E-Picture Books Teaching in enhancing the learning attitudes of seventh-grade students in the dimensions of "Learning Motivation" and "Learning Methods" is significantly superior to that of conventional teaching. However, there is no significant superiority in improving the learning attitudes in the dimensions of "Attitude toward the Natural Science Curriculum" and "Learning Environment" compared to conventional teaching.

7. Seventh-grade students have a positive overall learning experience with the "Integration of Multi-media into Interactive E-Picture Books." All students find using the "Integration of Multi-media into Interactive E-Picture Books" for instruction to be very engaging and easier to understand than traditional teacher-led textbook explanations.

8. Most students believe that the use of the "Integration of Multi-media into Interactive E-Picture Books" for instruction creates a relaxed and enjoyable classroom atmosphere compared to traditional teaching methods. They find it to be different and stimulating, sparking motivation to learn natural science. This approach helps in concentrating attention and facilitates a deeper understanding of the learning content, all without causing inconvenience compared to reading textbooks.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝辭 IV
目次 V
表次 VII
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與待答問題 3
第三節 名詞解釋 4
第四節 研究範圍與限制 4
第貳章 文獻探討 5
第一節 互動式電子繪本 5
一、 互動式電子繪本的意涵與特性 5
二、 互動式電子繪本的設計 6
三、 互動式電子繪本的相關研究 8
第二節 多媒體 12
一、 多媒體的意涵與教學應用 13
二、 使用多媒體設計教材的理論基礎 14
三、 多媒體融入教學的相關研究 16
第三節 細胞概念 21
一、 細胞概念的重要性 22
二、 細胞概念的學習內容 22
三、 學生關於細胞的迷思概念 24
第四節 學習態度 28
一、 學習態度的意涵 28
二、 學習態度的重要性 29
第五節 細胞概念學習成就與學習態度的相關研究 30
第參章 研究方法 41
第一節 研究設計 41
第二節 研究流程 43
第三節 研究對象 45
第四節 研究工具 45
第五節 教學活動設計 51
第六節 資料蒐集與分析 60
第肆章 結果與討論 63
第一節 結合多媒體互動式電子繪本對七年級學生「生物體的組成」單元學習成就的影響 63
第二節 結合多媒體互動式電子繪本對七年級學生「生物體的組成」單元學習態度的影響 75
第三節 七年級學生使用結合多媒體互動式電子繪本的學習感受 81
第伍章 結論與建議 85
第一節 結論 85
第二節 建議 86
參考文獻 87
一、 中文文獻 87
二、 英文文獻 90
附錄 93
附錄一 「細胞單元」學習成就測驗 93
附錄二 自然科學習態度量表 96
附錄三 使用結合多媒體互動式電子繪本的學習感受問卷 98
附錄四 「完成細胞裡的秘密任務」電子繪本教材所有頁面的內容 100
附錄五 一般教學課程活動 107
附錄六 結合多媒體互動式電子繪本教學活動 109
附錄七 「完成細胞裡的秘密任務」導讀單 112
附錄八 研究工具使用同意書 116

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