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論文名稱(外文):Cultural heritage response to the impact of pandemic disease: a case study of Kulangsu, a Historic International Settlement
指導教授(外文):Rong, Fang-Jay
口試委員(外文):Huang, Shu-Wei
Wang, Chun-Hsi
外文關鍵詞:Kulangsuliving cultural heritagepandemic diseaseCOVID-19resilience
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The protection and innovative use of cultural heritage has been discussed and practiced worldwide for many years because of its social, economic and cultural values. Protection concept, from the simple in construction, decoration and other tangible heritage protection, melts into the modern social development as the goal to now to re-use, this kind of sustainable development goals also underlines the importance and particularity of live state heritage, cultural heritage in the form of settlement, in particular, this also to face all kinds of natural and unnatural disaster resilience and recovery ability put forward certain requirements.
COVID-19 has been spreading rapidly around the world since the end of 2019. In order to prevent the spread of the epidemic, countries around the world have adopted restrictive measures to varying degrees on the movement of people and goods, and the volume and speed of trans-regional movement of people and goods have decreased significantly and even been suspended in some periods. This has a huge impact in today's highly globalized world.
For the cultural heritage of each region, the sudden change of the environment tests the resilience and resilience of its economic structure, manpower structure and maintenance form. Especially for human settlements of live state heritage, because still have relevant community in activity in heritage, outbreaks of its influence will be more obvious and complex than the general material heritage, in addition to face the legacy of physical maintenance, heritage and social interaction, heritage economic problems, the human settlements of live state heritage still need to consider the activities of the community to maintain related questions, Community is an important part of living heritage, and the maintenance and inheritance of material and intangible cultural elements in heritage are closely related to heritage-related communities.
So in the face of a pandemic such as COVID-19, how should the living heritage of settlement form and related communities cope with the impact of the phased lock-in of the region, and what are the specific difficulties they will face? What measures did the estate administrator take to deal with these difficulties?
This article is titled " Kulangsu, a Historic International Settlement "as an example, with the method of field survey and face to face interview, through investigating the outbreak influence Kulangsu cultural heritage management awareness of heritage status, including the heritage during the period of maintenance, heritage and social interaction, the heritage business and changes in the management of the action taken in response to these changes, This paper presents the impact and recovery of Kulangsu cultural heritage and analyzes the factors influencing the resilience of the heritage in the face of public health security risks. Finally, some suggestions were put forward for the development of the resilience of the living heritage of settlement forms to the epidemic.
第一章 緒論···················································7
第一節 研究背景···············································7
第二節 研究目的···············································9
第三節 研究範圍與對象······································10
第四節 研究方法··············································12
第五節 研究架構·············································14
第二章 文獻探討··············································15
第一節 鼓浪嶼歷史聚落形成與演變··························18
第二節 改革開放后的鼓浪嶼統籌發展與遺產保護···········20
一 政策主導的鼓浪嶼遺產地發展·······················21
二 鼓浪嶼的旅遊商業化······························23
三 被緊急保護的鼓浪嶼社區··························24
第三節 鼓浪嶼的世界遺產價值內涵·························28
第四節 從歷史建築保護到活態遺產發展·····················31
一 逐漸「活」起來的世界遺產價值判斷··············31
二 維繫社區存在與活動的活態遺產保護理念··········35
三 中國聚落形態遺產中的社區·························37
第五節 遺產應對災害恢復力影響因素·······················40
第六節 鼓浪嶼災害應對體系與多發災害應對················42
一 災害應對政策體系··································43
二 鼓浪嶼多發災害與應對·····························46
第七節 大流行疾病的風險··································48
一 「對人不對物的」疾病風險·······················48
二 COVID-19的全球影響·························49
三 COVID-19疫情對鼓浪嶼的影響··················50
第八節 研究問題收束·······································55
第三章 研究設計··········································57
第一節 抽樣方式與訪問狀況··································57
第二節 訪談問卷設計········································60
第四章 調查結果整理與分析·······························68
第一節 缺少應對長期災害的預案·····························68
第二節 疫情間接影響遺產·····································70
一 政策管控與疫情風險造成訪客量下降與服務人群本地化··70
二 服務群體與產業結構影響收入降低程度···············74
三 政策性封控與經濟壓力造成遺產維護與功能受阻····76
四 小結·················································80
第三節 主動應對措施········································81
一 疫情封控使遺產修繕工作受阻······················81
二 體驗式功能較難維繫或轉型·······················82
三 遺產經濟韌性需要普遍的遺產功能轉型與地方認同···85
四 普遍的跨領域合作與部分溝通缺陷···············88
五 部分幫扶政策的與實際需求不符·················90
第四節 影響因素分析······································93
一 遺產應對措施呈現功能信息化、本地化的趨勢·····93
二 遺產活動需要合理的經濟結構·······················95
三 聚落形態遺產需要人與遺產對地方社區的緊密聯係··95
四 臨時應對政策缺少輔助或引導遺產功能轉型的機制··97
五 缺少應對預案與溝通不順暢會降低恢復效率··········98
第五章 結論與建議···································100
第一節 結論···············································100
一 活態遺產應關注疾病風險···························101
二 活態遺產應擁有自給自足的能力·····················101
三 遺產社區應加强共治關係與意識·····················102
四 應對建議···············································103
第二節 後續研究建議···········································104
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