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作者(外文):Lin, Chi-Wei
論文名稱(外文):The Difference of Kinematic Parameters of Lower Limbs in Different Free Kick Directions of Soccer
指導教授(外文):Chiu, Wen-Hsin
口試委員(外文):Shiang, Tzyy-Yuang
Tu, Jui-Hung
外文關鍵詞:Free KickKinetic chainAngular velocityCurve Kick
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目的:探討足球自由球在不同踢擊方向時後擺期、小腿加速期、踢擊瞬間三個動作分期之下肢運動學參數差異。方法:招募大專足球公開組選手10名為受試者,透過3D VICON動作分析系統(150 HZ),收集不同踢擊方向(左、右側45度)踢擊時之下肢關節運動學數據,使用成對樣本t檢定(Paired Sample t test),進行兩種目標下肢關節最大角度、角速度、角加速度的差異檢定,其顯著差異水準定為α=.05。結果:在後擺期時,踢擊右側45度角方向的髖關節最大角速度顯著快於左側45度;在踢擊瞬間時,踢擊右側45度角方向的膝關節最大角速度顯著快於左側45度。除上述之外,踢擊左、右側45度角在後擺期、小腿加速期與踢擊瞬間三個動作分期的下肢最大關節角度、角速度與角加速度均沒有顯著差異。結論:在後擺期時,踢擊右側45度角方向的自由球時應藉由後擺時髖關節快速的向後擺動來儲存能量,使下肢在踢擊時能夠產生更大的力量,提升後續踢擊時下肢擺動速度;在踢擊瞬間時,踢擊右側45度角的方向時以矢狀軸為中心,在額狀面上將四肢遠離身體中心線向外伸展的動作屬於髖關節外展,相較於踢擊左側45度角自由球時髖關節內收的運動形式,自由球時應以較快膝關節的角速度進行踢擊,來提升球的旋轉速度,使自由球能有更大的彎曲角度。
Purpose: Discuss the differences in the kinematics parameters of the lower limbs in the three action stages of the backswing stage, the calf acceleration stage and the hitting stage of the football free kick in different kicking directions. Method: Recruit 10 college football players to be the subjects. Through 3D of VICON motion analysis system (150 HZ), to collect in different kicking directions (left, right 45 degrees) lower limb joint kinematics of kicking data, and using as the sample the Paired t Test , for two Species certain lower limb joint maximum angle, angular velocity, angular acceleration difference test. Its the significant difference level is set as α=.05. Result: In the Backswing, kick 45 on the right angle direction of the hip joint maximum angular velocity significantly faster on the left 45 degrees; period when hitting, kicking the right side 45 -degree angle of the direction of the knee joint significantly faster maximum angular velocity to the left 45 degrees. In addition to the above, kicking left, and right side 45 -degree angle of the backswing stage, the calf acceleration stage and the hitting stage of the football free kick in different kicking directions. operation of three stage lower extremity maximum joint angle, angular velocity and angular acceleration are no significant differences. Conclusion: During the Backswing , when kicking a free kick with a 45- degree angle on the right side, the hip joint should swing back quickly to store energy during the backswing, so that the lower limbs can generate greater strength when hitting the ball and improve the follow-up. The swing speed of the lower limbs during kicking. when the kick is at a 45- degree angle on the right side , the sagittal axis is the center, and the movement of extending the limbs away from the center line of the body on the frontal plane is a hip joint abduction. Compared with the hip joint adduction movement form when kicking a 45- degree angle free kick on the left side, the kick should be performed at a faster angular velocity of the knee joint during a free kick. To increase the rotation speed of the ball. The free kick can have a larger bending angle.
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