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作者(外文):Liu, Yu-Ting.
論文名稱(外文):Bilingual Instruction in Life Curriculum under the Framework of CLIL: A study of grade two students' acquisition of subject- related vocabulary and learning performance of content learning
指導教授(外文):Luo, Wen- Hsing
外文關鍵詞:bilingual lessonsCLILcontent learninglearning attitudeLife Curriculumvocabulary learning
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研究結果顯示,學生在內容學習方面有所進步,包括理解什麼東西能製作肥皂水以及什麼工具能製作泡泡。此外,後測顯示學生能夠正確配對學科單字的中文和英文意思。最後,大多數學生對雙語課程表現出積極正向的態度,他們表示 CLIL 教學活動非常豐富有趣。本研究建議未來可以探索雙語教學對其他語言技能(如口說和聽力)的影響,以及在不同單元中實施該課程,以檢驗其對學習者知識和詞彙識別的更廣泛影響。
With globalization, English learning has become increasingly crucial, leading to the adoption of bilingual programs in Taoyuan since 2018. This study aims to investigate second graders' outcomes in content learning, word recognition, and their attitudes toward Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in a new elementary school. The
participants were 30 second graders who received a bilingual Life Curriculum over four weeks. Quantitative data were collected through worksheets, workbooks, pre- and posttests, and questionnaires to assess the impact of the bilingual lessons.
The results revealed that students learned the content, including understanding what helps make soap water and what aids in creating bubbles. Furthermore, students were able to match Chinese and English vocabulary correctly. The majority of students expressed positive attitudes toward the bilingual lessons, indicating their engagement and satisfaction with the CLIL approach.
The limitations of the study were acknowledged, and suggestions for future research include exploring the impact of bilingual education on other language skills such as speaking and listening, as well as implementing the program across different units to examine its broader effects on learners' knowledge and word recognition.
Abstract i
中文摘要 ii
誌謝 iii
Contents iv
List of Tables viii
List of Figure ix
Chapter One Introduction 1
1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Purpose of the Study 3
1.3 Significance of the Study 4
1.4 Definition of Terminology 7
1.4.1 Bilingual Education Policy 7
1.4.2 CLIL 7
1.4.3 Four Major Principle of Competency- Oriented Teaching 7
1.4.4 Translanguaging 8
1.4.5 Life Curriculum 8
Chapter Two Literature Review 10
2.1 Definition of CLIL 10
2.2 Framework of CLIL 11
2.2.1 Content 11
2.2.2 Communication 12 The Language Triptych 12
2.2.3 Cognition 14
2.2.4 Culture 15
2.3 Word Recognition 16
2.3.1 Word sounds 17
2.3.2 Word forms 17
2.3.3 Word meanings 17
2.3.4 Word use 18
2.4 Implementation of CLIL in Taiwan 18
2.5 Learning Performance 20
2.6 Empirical Studies on CLIL 21
Chapter Three Methodology 25
3.1 Research Design 25
3.2 Setting and Participants 25
3.3 Research Instruments 26
3.3.1 Vocabulary Test 26
3.3.2 Worksheet 27
3.3.3 Workbook 27
3.3.4 Questionnaire 28
3.4 Data Collection 31
3.5 Teaching Materials 31
3.6 Procedure 32
3.7 Consent Form 33
3.8 Data Analysis 33
3.8.1 Pre- and post- test 33
3.8.2 Worksheet and Workbooks 34
3.8.3 Questionnaire 34
3.9 Research Ethics 34
Chapter Four Results of Data Analysis 35
4.1 The Results of Worksheet and Workbooks 35
4.2 The Results of Pre-test and Post-test 36
4.3 The Results of Questionnaire 38
Chapter Five Discussion of Findings 41
5.1 Learning Performance of Content Learning 41
5.2 Learning Performance of Subject- Related Vocabulary 42
5.3 Students Attitude Toward Unit of Bubbles 43
5.4 Summary of Findings 45
Chapter Six Conclusion and Suggestions 46
6.1 Limitations of the Study 46
6.2 Instructional Implication 46
6.2.1 Suggestions for Bilingual Life Curriculum 46
6.2.2 Suggestions for Further Studies 47
6.3 Conclusions 48
References 49
Appendix A Vocabulary Test (Pre-test) 58
Appendix B Vocabulary Test (Post-test) 59
Appendix C Worksheet I 60
Appendix D Worksheet II 61
Appendix E Questionnaire 62
Appendix F CLIL Lesson Plan 64
Appendix G Consent Form 73

List of Tables
Table 1 CLIL Action Research on Learning Performance 23
Table 2 Data Sources 31
Table 3 The Integration of Technology and Hand-on Activities into Instruction 32
Table 4 The Procedure of the Research 33
Table 5 Results of Worksheet and Workbook 35
Table 6 Result of Pre-test and Post-test Table 36
Table 7 Number of Students Answering Correctly in Vocabulary Test 37
Table 8 Result of Questionnaire Table 38
Table 9 Results of Four Aspect of Each Question 39

List of Figure
Figure 1 Workbook Section1 28
Figure 2 Workbook Section2 28
Figure 3 The Questionnaire with Four Aspects 30

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