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作者(外文):Lee, Fu-ting
論文名稱(外文):Enhancing ELF Student’s Oral Reading Fluency through Readers’ Theater Instruction: A Study of local culture in Taoyuan
指導教授(外文):Chou, Chiou-Hui
口試委員(外文):Yang, Rong-Lan
Yang, Chi-Chuan
外文關鍵詞:local culture-based learningreading fluencyreaders’ theater
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This study aims to investigate the influence of vocabulary activities, reading activities, and readers’ theater activities on reading fluency and cultural knowledge. The activities included phoneme activities for vocabulary activities, read-aloud activities for reading activities, and readers’ theater activities. The study participants comprised seven fifth-grade students selected from one class in Taoyuan City. They received five classes per week for eight weeks. Students used 30 minutes of self-study time in the morning for their learning. The data collected in this study included pre- and post-tests consisting of 50 words and read-aloud text, along with students’ reflection notes and teacher’s teaching journals. Students’ scores on pre- and post-tests were analyzed to compare students’ reading accuracy, cultural knowledge, and word knowledge; a rubric was used for assessing students’ reading fluency in read-aloud text. Students’ reflection notes and teacher’s teaching journals were categorized into themes to explore the influence of three activities on students’ oral reading performance and learning process.

Keywords: local culture-based learning, reading fluency, readers’ theater
Background of the study.....1
Purpose of the study.....3
Research Questions.....6
Literature Review.....10
Reading Fluency.....10
Readers’ Theater.....16
Empirical Studies.....16
Local Culture-Based Learning.....23
Local Information about Taoyuan.....25
Conceptual Framework.....26
Participants and Setting.....29
Research Procedure.....30
The Teaching Procedure and Activities.....32
Data Collection.....36
Quantitative Data.....36
Qualitative Data.....41
Data Analysis.....42
Quantitative Data.....42
Qualitative Data.....44
Reliability and Validity.....45
Ethical Issues.....46
Results of 50-Word Accuracy.....48
Results of 50-Word Recognition.....49
Results of Reading Accuracy.....51
Results of Reading Fluency.....52
Results of Culture-Knowledge Test.....58
Teacher’s Teaching Journal.....59
Vocabulary Activities.....60
Read-Aloud Activities.....64
Students’ Reflection Notes.....74
Vocabulary Activities.....74
Read-Aloud Activities.....76
The Impacts of Readers’ Theater Instruction on Student s’ Reading Fluency.....80
The Impacts of Vocabulary Activities on Students’ Vocabulary.....81
The Impacts of Read-Aloud Activities and Readers’ Theater Activities on Students’ Reading Fluency.....82
The Difficulties Students Might Encounter in Readers’ Theater Instruction.....84
The Impacts of Culture-Based Readers' Theater Instruction.....87
Conclusion and Implications.....89
Appendix A.....100
Appendix B.....104
Appendix C.....108
Appendix D.....110
Appendix E.....112
Appendix F.....113
Appendix G.....114
Appendix H.....115
Appendix I.....119
Appendix J.....122
Appendix K.....124
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