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作者(外文):Chai, Chernase Ching Ching
論文名稱(外文):The Research on Development of Bidirectional Mentoring Scale:Based on the Core Competency of the New Generation
指導教授(外文):Chen, Yin Che
口試委員(外文):Chang, Chia Wen
Chu, Hui Chuang
外文關鍵詞:the bidirectional mentoringcareer developmentpsychosocial supportrole modelsthe core competency of the new generationdevelopment of scale
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預試結果得知整體量表之雙向師徒制量表共有21題。其中職涯發展分量表共有11題、社會心理支持分量表為7題及角色楷模分量表共3題。內部一致性信度Cronbach α係數為.91,其中分量表內部一致性Cronbach α係數分別為.892、.878及.763,且在因素分析結果得知題項的因素負荷量皆達到.50以上並符合本研究所引用的理論模型。正式量表分析結果得知量表的題目共20題,其中職涯發展量表共11題、社會心理支持為6題、及角色楷模分量表為3題。正式量表之內部一致性Cronbach α係數為.94,各構面之分量表內部一致性Cronbach α係數分別為.911、.879以及.791,且題項的因素負荷量皆達到.50以上並符合本研究所引用的理論模型。通過驗證性因素分析得全量表適合度符合指標標準,其平均數變異萃取量(AVE)為.342與.497之間,組合信度(CR)分別為.591與.911之間,並且其平均數變異萃取量之平方根分別為.584與.704之間。最後,根據研究結果進行討論並提出在管理實務與研究建議,以及針對研究結果提出相關研究限制。
The bidirectional mentoring system is in line with the needs of today's business organizations for talent cultivation, but due to the lack of relevant literature at home and abroad, there are few practical studies on it. In addition, as new generations of young people gradually enter the employment market and the rapid development of society and technology, the core competency required by employees at this stage will also change with factors such as the external environment or the needs of internal companies. This leads to changes in the function between the mentor and the mentee. This research is based on the conceptual structure of the bidirectional mentoring system proposed by domestic and foreign scholars, and integrates and interprets the core competency of the members in the organization today. It develops a rigorous test preparation process and provides a domestic implementation. A tool for evaluating the functions and relationships of mentor and mentee in relevant organizations of the mentoring system.
The bidirectional mentoring scale includes career development, psychosocial support and role models. The connotation elements formed will be combined and interpreted with the core competency of the members in the organization at this stage, and then the question of the scale will be developed. c After passing the test of specialist, the first edition of the scale has a total of 37 questions, including 16 questions in the career development scales, 12 questions in the social psychological support questions, and 9 questions in the role model scales. A total of 303 people through the pre-test stage and 504 people of the formal test conducted data recovery and analysis to conduct descriptive statistics, project analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and other letter and validity tests through R language 3.6.3 statistical software.
According to the results of the pre-test, there are 21 questions on the bidirectional mentoring scale of the overall scale. Among them, there are 11 questions in the career development scale, 7 questions in the social psychosocial support scale, and 3 questions in the role model scale. The Cronbach α coefficient is .91, and the Cronbach αof the subscale are .892, .878 and .763, and obtained in the factor the factor loading of the knowledge items all reached more than .50 and conformed to the theoretical model cited by this research. The results of the formal scale analysis revealed that the scale had a total of 20 questions, including 11questions in career development scales, 6 questions in psychosocial support questions, and 3 questions in role model scales. The Cronbach α coefficient of the formal scale is .94 and Cronbach α coefficient of the subscales of each facet is .911, .879 and .791, respectively, and the factor loading of the item is above .50. It conforms to the theoretical model cited in this research. Through confirmatory factor analysis, it is found that the suitability of the full scale meets the index standard. The average variance extracted (AVE) is between .342 and .497, the composite reliability (CR) is between .591 and .911, and its The square roots of the verage variance extracted are between .584 and .704. Finally, based on the research results, discuss and propose management practices and research recommendations, as well as related research limitations for the research results.
目 錄
第一章 緒論....................................1
第一節 研究動機...............................1
第二節 研究目的...............................3
第三節 名詞解釋...............................4
第二章 文獻回顧與探討..........................5
第一節 師徒制發展沿革.........................5
第二節 師徒制定義及功能......................10
第三節 核心職能..............................24
第四節 雙向師徒制............................36
第三章 研究方法...............................41
第一節 研究流程..............................41
第二節 研究量表..............................43
第三節 資料分析..............................45
第四節 資料分析..............................46
第四章 研究結果...............................49
第一節 專家效度分析..........................49
第二節 預試量表分析..........................56
第三節 正式量表分析..........................66
第四節 小結..................................73
第五章 討論與建議.............................75
第一節 研究結果討論..........................75
第二節 研究建議及限制........................77

表 1 師徒功能之內涵與意義....................11
表 2 反向師徒制功能之內涵與意義..............16
表 3 近年文獻之相關量表整理表................22
表 4 相關測驗之向度與向度定義說明............27
表 5 新世代核心職能與其及內涵................32
表 6 雙向師徒制與核心職能之整合..............38
表 7 專家背景資料............................45
表 8 專家效度百分比統計表....................48
表 9 專家建議及修改題項表....................51
表 10 預試量表之樣本分配及描述統計表..........56
表 11 預試量表之題目編碼......................57
表 12 預試量表之項目分析結果..................59
表 13 預試量表第一次因素分析摘要表............61
表 14 被剔除之預試量表題目....................62
表 15 量表第次因素分析摘要表..................63
表 16 修改後量表內部一致性信度................65
表 17 正式量表之樣本分配及描述統計表..........66
表 18 正式量表之題目編碼......................66
表 19 正式量表之項目分析結果..................68
表 20 正式量表第一次因素分析摘要表............69
表 21 被剔除之正式量表題目....................69
表 22 量表第二次因素分析摘要表................70
表 23 雙向師徒制量表之適合度檢驗..............71
表 24 雙向師徒制量表之收斂效度................72
表 25 雙向師徒制之區別效度....................72
表 26 修改後正式量表內部一致性信度............73

圖 1 雙向師徒制量表編制流程..................42

附錄 1 問卷專家檢驗及綜合意見.................91
附錄 2 問卷專家檢驗及綜合意見(修訂版).......97
附錄 3 預試量表..............................110
附錄 4 正式量表..............................116
附錄 5 雙向師徒制之功能意涵..................121

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