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作者(外文):Huang, Yan-Zhen.
論文名稱(外文):Research on the non-plug-in teaching method in preschool STEAM course
指導教授(外文):Chiu, Fu-Yuan
口試委員(外文):Chen, Ming-Hsiu
Chiu, Chia-Hui
外文關鍵詞:childrennon-plug-in teaching methodSTEAMcore literacy
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:975
  • 評分評分:*****
  • 下載下載:168
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本研究採用行動研究法,利用觀察、紀錄、談話的方式進行探討,紀錄幼兒在過程中的成長、變化,與同儕之間共同合作解決問題,從幼兒有興趣中開啟STEAM的教學方法,使用幼兒平日的對話和互動中的觀察及發現,設計STEAM課程之活動,在幼兒園實施STEAM課程採用遊戲的方式去融入STEAM教學並且使用不插電的教學方式進行,來解決問題並融合STEAM的教學觀點。本研究目的包括:(1)建構幼兒階段對於STEAM的內涵(2)了解不插電的教學方式歷程(3)了解使用不插電的教學方式幼兒是否具備STEAM的素養發展。本研究問題包括:(1)建構幼兒階段對於STEAM的內涵為何?(2) 是否能運用不插電的教學歷程來認識STEAM的課程內容?(3-1)在實施STEAM課程內容,幼兒是否有具備其課綱內涵中的核心素養?(3-2)在運用STEAM的過程當中,幼兒如何發現問題並解決問題呢?
The current STEAM curriculum model is promoted in the teaching field. S is Science for science, T is Technology for technology, E is Engineering for engineering, A is Art for art, M is Mathematics for mathematics, it is a cross Discipline teaching methods, so in the kindergarten stage, the use of unplugged teaching methods will integrate STEAM into the curriculum, so that children have a basic concept of STEAM, also combined with the core literacy in the syllabus, connecting to the primary school Discipline teaching methods.
This research uses action research methods, using observations, records, and conversations to discuss, record the growth and changes of children in the process, work together with peers to solve problems, open STEAM teaching methods from children's interest, use children Observations and discoveries in daily dialogues and interactions, design activities of STEAM courses, and the implementation of STEAM courses in kindergartens uses games to integrate STEAM teaching and uses unplugged teaching methods to solve problems and integrate STEAM teaching perspectives.
The objectives of this research include: (1) To construct the meaning of STEAM in the early childhood stage (2) To understand the course of teaching methods without plug-in (3) To understand whether children who use the teaching method without plug-in have STEAM literacy development. The research questions include: (1) What is the meaning of STEAM in the construction of early childhood? (2) Can you use the unplugged teaching history to understand the content of STEAM? (3-1) In the implementation of STEAM curriculum content, do young children have the core qualities in their syllabus content? (3-2) In the process of using STEAM, how do young children find and solve problems?
Integrate the STEAM curriculum in the kindergarten, use unplugged methods to jointly solve the problems found by the children, and record the discussions between the children and their peers in the process, find the practical solutions and applications of the children, and implement the STEAM curriculum in In the teaching inquiry of kindergarten, children can have initial contact and understanding of STEAM and solve problems together with their peers.
第一章 緒論...............................................1
第一節 研究動機...........................................2
第二節 研究目的與問題......................................4
第三節 名詞定義...........................................5
第四節 研究限制以及解決方案................................6
第二章 文獻探討...........................................9
第一節 STEAM概念和素養....................................9
第二節 幼兒階段的STEAM教學............................... 32
第三節 不插電的教學方式.................................. 46
第四節 從幼兒園新課綱核心素養看STEAM教學.................. 48
第三章 研究方法與實施.................................... 53
第一節 研究方法與內容.................................... 53
第二節 研究背景.......................................... 56
第三節 STEAM課程活動內容與介紹........................... 66
第四節 研究實施的經歷與流程................................72
第五節 資料蒐集與分析.................................... 76
第六節 研究信實度....................................... 82
第七節 研究倫理......................................... 83
第四章 研究活動與發現.................................... 85
第一節 不插電的方式,將STEAM課程融入到水道的教學............ 86
第二節 不插電的方式,將STEAM課程融入到種植作物四格畫的教學... 131
第三節 不插電的方式,將STEAM課程融入到種植的規劃與方向中..... 140
第四節 不插電的方式,將STEAM課程融入到烹飪學習活動.......... 151
第五章 研究結論與建議................................... 165
第一節 行動研究實施STEAM課程的結論........................ 166
第二節 行動研究實施STEAM課程後探討的建議與改進之處.......... 172
第三節 未來STEAM課程在幼兒園實施的建議..................... 178
參考文獻................................................ 181
壹、中文部分............................................ 181
貳、西文部分............................................ 181
附錄................................................... 183
附錄一 不插電的教學法於幼兒園STEAM課程研究家長同意書........ 183
附錄二 不插電的教學法於幼兒園STEAM課程研究訪談大綱.......... 184
附錄三 不插電的教學法於幼兒園STEAM課程研究訪談內容.......... 186

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