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作者(外文):Hsu, Hsing-Ming
論文名稱(外文):Age, Growth and Reproduction of Taiwan Shoveljaw Carp, Onychostoma barbatulum, at Shangping River in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Tzeng, Chyng-Shyan
口試委員(外文):Shiao, Jen-Chieh
Yen, Shih-Ching
外文關鍵詞:Onychostoma barbatulumTaiwan shoveljaw carpscaleage determinationgrowth curvereproductive cycle
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Taiwan shoveljaw carp, Onychostoma barbatulum, is a practical fresh water bioindicator as it has a broad latitudinal and altitudinal distribution in Taiwan, prefers residing in uncontaminated water, and is sensitive to environmental changes. Therefore, it is vital to grasp its life-story to monitor the population dynamics. Several researches have demonstrated the age determination and growth of the Taiwan shoveljaw carp. However, seldom showed the growth of a whole population, and their meth-ods still have rooms for improvement. In this research, we revised the methods of the experiment and analysis and showed the growth of a whole population of Taiwan shoveljaw carp. Samples of Taiwan shoveljaw carp were collected from April 2019 to October 2020 once a month at Shangping Weir lo-cated in the tributary of Touquian River. Due to the inoperative fishway of Shangping Weir, numerous Taiwan shoveljaw carps get stuck beneath the weir during their seasonal migration. Hence, it is rea-sonable to take Shangping Weir as a check point for studying the ecology of migration and getting an insight about the physiological changes of Taiwan shoveljaw carp during the migration. 388 samples (females, 292; males, 76; unknown gender, 20) were collected and the 50% sexual maturity standard length of female and male Taiwan shoveljaw carps are 16.0 cm and 7.7 cm, respectively. By compar-ing the maturity stages of gonads, gonado-somatic index, condition factor, and hydrologic conditions from this study and former research, we found that the initial development of gonads could be trig-gered by enough precipitation between November and December or the rise of water temperature between January and February, the high precipitation in spring led to the final maturation of gonads, and the timespan of the breeding season would be shortened when the heating rate of water tempera-ture in spring is higher than 4℃/month. In terms of the growth of Taiwan shoveljaw carp, we used scales for the age determination. We revised the experimental methods of former research, and use the clarity of the scale rings as the primary consideration for the scale selection. Then, by comparing the relationship of the scale radius and fish standard length, we found that the scale from the area at the tip of the pectoral fin and below the lateral line are most suitable for age determination. The scale rings forma annually and the asymptotic standard lengths of female and male Taiwan shoveljaw carps are 38.1 cm and 42.8 cm and total lengths are 45.4 cm and 50.9 cm respectively. Furthermore, females grow faster and have longer lifespan than males but have later maturity. Finally, according to the re-sults from this study, we suggest that individuals shorter than total length 23 cm should not be kept and a fish closed season should be run for three months after the first rainfall in spring to protect Tai-wan shoveljaw carp. As in Shangping Weir, we suggest the adminstrators to unblock the fishway during the fish closed and set a closed fishing area from the weir to 50 m downstream of the weir.
中文摘要 --------------------------------i
第一章、 前言-----------------------------1
第一節、 臺灣白甲魚生態及近況--------------1
第二節、 臺灣白甲魚繁殖--------------------1
第三節、 魚類年齡及成長分析方法------------2
第四節、 臺灣白甲魚年齡判別----------------4
第五節、 研究動機 ------------------------5
第二章、 材料與方法-----------------------7
第一節、 上坪堰樣本及水文資料收集----------7
第二節、 臺灣白甲魚繁殖季及水文因子探討資料--8
第三節、 樣本處理及判讀-------------------10
第四節、 資料分析-------------------------11
第三章、 結果-----------------------------16
第一節、 樣本及水文分析結果----------------16
第二節、 生理分析結果---------------------17
第三節、 鱗片篩選結果---------------------20
第四節、 年齡判讀結果與成長曲線------------21
第三節、 繁殖季週期與水文因子關係分析結果---23
第四章、 討論-----------------------------25
第一節、 上坪堰魚群週期性變化--------------25
第二節、 臺灣白甲魚生理探討----------------26
第三節、 鱗片分析結果探討------------------26
第四節、 鱗片判讀技術的探討及應用-----------29
第五節、 臺灣白甲魚成長--------------------30
第六節、 探討繁殖週期時所需的水文資料--------33
第七節、 垂釣限制與禁漁規範-----------------33
第五章、 結論------------------------------35
第六章、 建議------------------------------36
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