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作者(外文):Kao, Fang-Lin.
論文名稱(外文):Impact of Unanticipated Macroeconomic Information on Exchange Rate
指導教授(外文):Huang, Yu-Lieh
Hsu, Chih-Chiang
口試委員(外文):Hsu, Shih-Hsun
Wu, Jyun-Yi
外文關鍵詞:Unanticipated macroeconomic indicatorsregression modelNew York foreign exchange market
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  • 評分評分:*****
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There are many factors that cause the exchange rate to change in the foreign exchange market, to be able to grasp the trend and changes of exchange rate in the foreign exchange market, we must always pay attention to various factors which might affect the rate. In the past, scholars have used daily or monthly exchange rate data to explore the impact of unanticipated macroeconomic information on the exchange rate of a single or a few specific currencies in the two largest economic systems, the United States and Europe. This study, based on the unanticipated information on the macroeconomic indicators of the United States, tries to use the daily monthly data on the trading time of the New York foreign exchange market to explore the impact of the unanticipated information on the exchange rates of multiple currencies, in order to avoid being affected by the macroeconomic indicators published by other countries at other times. Last but not least, the regression model is predicted by mean squared error and mean absolute deviation error. The empirical results indicate that some of the unanticipated information on the macroeconomic indicators of the United States has a significant impact on the short-term or medium and long-term changes in the exchange rate, among which, the monthly rate of the consumer price index, the monthly rate of industrial production, change in non-farm payrolls or the annual rate of core retail sales, etc., have a significant impact on the short-term, medium and long-term exchange rate changes, such as the the Canadian dollar, New Zealand dollar, the Australian dollar and, Swiss franc or the Japanese dollar.
1. 前言 1
2. 文獻回顧 2
3. 研究方法 4
3.1 研究方法 4
3.2 樣本的選擇與資料來源 4
3.3 實證模型 6
4. 實證結果 7
4.1. 單根檢定 7
4.2. 迴歸分析 9
5. 結論與未來研究 19
參考文獻 21

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