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作者(外文):Wang, Jie-Hsin
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Phenomenon of Heavily Traded Stock: A Case of Constituent Stocks of Taiwan 50 Index and Taiwan Mid-cap 100 Index
指導教授(外文):Huang, Yu-Lieh
外文關鍵詞:Taiwan 50 indexTaiwan Mid-Cap 100 indexheavily traded stockfundamental analysistechnical analysischip analysis
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台灣 50 及中型 100 的成份股為台灣指數以及台灣市值前一百五十大上市公司,主要代表台灣企業中大型公司股價績效表現。本研究以2009年到 2019 年台灣 50 及中型100 成份股為樣本,選出績效高於大盤 50% 超額報酬的個股,目的為找出這些強勢股裡是符合基本面條件為重,還是以技術面或是用籌碼面的因素比較大。首先基本面的篩選是以華倫.巴菲特和有台灣少年巴菲特之稱的陳飛龍先生於 2018 年《飆股不求人》書中,共同認為值得投資的公司必須要有的條件:即以股東權益報酬率、負債、營業毛利率和營業利益率為篩選條件,篩選出符合基本面的個股,實證結果顯示,績效高於大盤 50% 超額報酬的個股,較少符合基本面篩選的條件。再者技術面的篩選是以葛蘭碧八大法則的初升段突破訊號和林則行 2014 年《飆股的長相》書中提及的平穩期策略,實證發現,樣本裡符合技術面的特徵,比例最高;最後,籌碼面的篩選以起漲點前 20 日,用個股前15大的買賣大額交易人,對個股買賣超的狀態,是否能支撐其股票後面的漲勢,實證結果發現籌碼面影響股價的程度快高達七成。因此,若要選擇高於大盤超額報酬極大的強勢股,以台灣 50 和中型 100 來說,實際操作要以技術面為最重要的篩選條件、籌碼面為輔,最後再考慮基本面。
The constituent stocks of Taiwan 50 index and Taiwan Mid-Cap 100 index represent the stock prices of the top 150 listed company of large and medium in Taiwan’s stock market. This study uses the 50 and 100 constituent small and medium stocks from 2009 to 2019 as samples, with annualized rate of return at higher than 50 percent of the Taiwan index. The purpose is to screen these heavily traded stocks as to which method, fundamental, technical or chip analysis, is more important .First, the fundamental analysis is based accordingly to the Warren. Buffett and Mr. Chen Feilong’ opinions for worthy investment companies .I chose return on equity, debt ratio, operating profit margin, gross profit margin and earnings per share to screen out the stocks. The stocks meet the fundamental analysis is fewer ; Furthermore, I chose Granville Rules and the book《the features of the strong stocks》written by Lin Zexing in regard to the period of stock price stability as the filter for the technical analysis. The result has revealed the technical analysis is an indispensable for screening the heavily traded stocks. Finally, I use the net buy and net sell from the top fifteen trader to estimate the stock trend. According to the experiment, the chip analysis is an important stock selection strategy. In conclusion, the technical and chip analysis are more important than fundamental analysis for choosing the stocks whose annualized rate of return is higher than the Taiwan index.
1. 前言…………………………………………………………………..1
2. 文獻回顧……………………………………………………………..4
3. 研究方法……………………………………………………………..8
4. 實證結果…………………………………………………………….14
5. 結論………………………………………………………………….20

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