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作者(外文):Wu, Chun-Wei
論文名稱(外文):Applying Action Design Research Methods to Construct Civic Participation Service Systems: A Case Study of the Establishment Project of Distinctive Parks in Hsinchu County
指導教授(外文):Lin, Fu-Ren
口試委員(外文):Wang, Jyun-Cheng
Chuang, Ya-Chung
外文關鍵詞:Service Dominant LogicService DesignAction Design ResearchParticipatory Workshops
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  • 評分評分:*****
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Park is an essential public space in urban life, crucial for individuals, families, and the broader environment. Parks not only provide suitable leisure spaces for the public but also establish emotional connections between people, nature, and communities. With functions such as landscaping, disaster prevention, refuge, microclimate regulation, and more, parks are indispensable resources in urban areas. Furthermore, parks with diverse gaming facilities have a significant impact on children's physical development, creativity, social skills, and mental health. In summary, parks offer a rich, safe environment conducive to the holistic development of children on physical, psychological, and social levels.

This study, centered around a service-dominant logic, integrates service design into action design research methods as the research framework. The focus is on constructing a civic participation mechanism with a service design mindset, developing an innovative public participation service system that integrates opinions from the locals, users of different age groups, and professional designers. Simultaneously, the study applies service design tools for data synthesis and concept generation. Based on the action design research framework, the study progresses through four stages: (1) Diagnosis: Collecting secondary data, conducting interviews supplemented by observational methods to compile user profiles for parks in the target area, analyzing pain points, and identifying needs. (2) Design: Based on insights gained during the diagnosis stage, brainstorming and designing innovative activities to facilitate children expressing their opinions fully and promote civic participation. The study then synthesizes user experiences through the execution of these activities. (3) Implementation: Collaborating with public sectors to integrate resources from various domains, transforming stakeholders' ideas into practical park designs, and completing the bidding and construction process. (4) Evolution: Observing user usage patterns, collecting feedback, and optimizing and adjusting subsequent service designs.

This study implementing service design methods through action design research, provides feasible recommendations for citizen participation processes in public engineering projects in Taiwan. The service design research methodology proposed in this study, combining service design methods and tools, contributes academically to methodological implementation. The suggested service innovation solutions and future possibilities serve as valuable references for teams implementing participatory workshops.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究問題與目的 3
第三節 研究場域介紹 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 服務主導邏輯與價值共創 6
第二節 公民參與 13
第三節 行動設計研究 18
第四節 服務設計與設計思考雙鑽石模型 21
第三章 研究方法 23
第一節 行動設計研究方法 23
第二節 研究架構 24
第四章 行動設計研究歷程 25
第一節 診斷階段 25
第二節 設計階段 31
第三節 佈建階段 43
第四節 演進階段 45
第五章 討論與建議 54
第一節 行動設計研究方法實踐發現 54
第二節 研究限制 58
第三節 未來研究建議 58
第六章 結論 59
參考文獻 60
一、 外文文獻參考資料
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