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作者(中文):明 霞
作者(外文):Diaz Hernandez, Emisa Aracely
指導教授(外文):Lin, Che-Chun
口試委員(外文):Chang, Jow-Ran
Yang, Twan-Shan
外文關鍵詞:housing policyhousing subsidieslow-income familiessocial housinggovernment programshousing deficit
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  • 評分評分:*****
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The purpose of the following dissertation is to provide an overview of the housing situation in Honduras: housing deficit and housing policies. This dissertation was done though qualitative research, as a process of reviewing the already existing literature based on quantitative and qualitative methods. Honduras is a low-income country with a population of 8.9 million distributed in 2,037,114 houses. The current housing deficit amounts to 1,150,000 homes, of which approximately 65% (747,500 homes) corresponds to the qualitative deficit and the rest is quantitative. Throughout the years there have been many programs and projects targeted to reduce the housing deficit, with low success. In conclusion, each government that came to power, brought a new program or strategy that was later shut down by the following government. It seems the housing policies have been more a political strategy than a social one. At the same time, there has not been an equal distribution of the subsidies within the country. Therefore, new housing policies have to consider many variables when designing subsidy programs that allow an equal and fair distribution.
1.1. Research Questions 2
1.2. Methodology 2
2 Literature Review 3
2.1 Right to adequate housing. 3
2.2 Housing Deficit 5
2.2.1 Quantification of Housing Deficit 8
2.3 Informal housing 10
3 Housing Policy Overview in Latin America 14
3.1 Chile 16
3.2 Brazil 20
4 Housing Policy in Honduras 28
4.1 Country Overview 28
4.2 Construction Sector 29
4.3 Housing Sector and Basic Services 32
4.4 Urbanization and Informal Settlements 38
4.5 Housing Policies Overview 40
4.6 CONVIVIENDA, the National Housing and Human Settlements Commission 43
4.7 Housing and Human Settlements Framework Law of 2020 49
5.1 Recommendations 51
5.2 Conclusions 56
6 References 59
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