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作者(外文):Bui, Thuc-Han
論文名稱(外文):Comparing the interview satisfaction of candidates between a face–to-face interview and a chatbot interview
指導教授(外文):Liu, Yu-wen
口試委員(外文):Shih, Hsi-An
Yen, Hsiu-Ju
外文關鍵詞:Interview satisfactionHuman AI InteractionSelf-confidenceAnxietyChatbotConversational agent
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This study examined the interview satisfaction as it was measured by the self-confidence and anxiety of candidates through two different forms of employment interview and conversational styles. We conducted a 2 (forms of the interview: face-to-face and chatbot) x 2 (conversational styles: formal and casual) experiment. The data was collected from 96 participants. Hypotheses have tested the relationship between self-confidence and interview satisfaction through two forms of the interview. As the analysis result, we found that there was a relationship between self-confidence and interview satisfaction through forms of the interview. That means a chatbot interview and casual conversational style can help applicants reduce anxiety, increase self-confidence, and make them more satisfied. However, the qualitative responses also pointed out some barriers and suggestions for chatbot implementation as a virtual interviewer such as interface design, and questionnaire design for the chatbot interview.
Chapter One: Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Questions 3
Chapter Two: Theory and Hypothesis 4
2.1 Forms of Job Interview 4
2.1.1 Employment Interview with the Human 4
2.1.2 Interview Process with Chatbot 5
2.2 Conversational Approach 6
2.3 Attributes affect an Employment Interview 7
2.3.1 Interview satisfaction 7
2.3.2 Self-confidence and Interview Satisfaction 8
2.3.3 Forms of Interview, Self-confidence, and Interview Satisfaction 8
2.3.4 Interview anxiety 9
Chapter Three: Research Methodology and Design 11
3.1 Research Framework 11
3.2 Participants and Procedure 11
3.2.1 Method Design 11
3.2.2 Participants 12
3.2.3 Employment Interview Forms 13
3.2.4 Interview Questions with two Conversational Styles for Chatbot 14
3.3 Measures 15
3.3.1 Interview Satisfaction 15
3.3.2 Self-confidence 16
3.3.3 Anxiety 16
3.3.4 Qualitative questions 16
3.4 Analysis techniques 16
Chapter Four: Result 18
4.1 Factor Analysis 18
4.2 Testing ANOVA 20
4.2.1 Self-confidence 20
4.2.2 Anxiety 21
4.2.3 Interview Satisfaction 22
4.3 Results of Model Analysis 23
4.3.1 Regression Analysis 23
4.3.2 Moderation Analysis 24
4.4 Qualitative Results 25
Chapter 5 Conclusions 27
5.1 Discussion and Implication 27
5.2 Limitations and Suggestions 28
5.3 Conclusion 29
A. Employment Interview Questions of Chatbots 34
B. Questionnaire for participants 37

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