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作者(外文):Cheng, Tsung-Yu
論文名稱(外文):Are Taiwanese Happy? Measured by Sustainable Development Goals
指導教授(外文):HU, MEI-CHIH
口試委員(外文):CHEN, PAO-LIEN
外文關鍵詞:UN Sustainable Development GoalsSubjective well-beingMultidimensional poverty indexGross national happiness index
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本研究基於2020世界幸福報告(World Happiness Report)所提供永續發展指標(Sustainable Development Goals)與主觀幸福感(Subjective Well-Being)之相關性分析,以永續發展指標做為構面,利用多維貧困分析法(Multidimensional Poverty Index)評估台灣整體的主觀幸福感。以往台灣針對幸福度的評估主要為透過OECD美好生活指數進行排名與分析,但該指數之計算方式為透過指標分數進行平均,且基於整體的排名提供改善建議。因此欲嘗試使用多維貧困分析法,基於方法中的充裕度閾值(Sufficiency Cutoff)以及幸福度閾值(Happiness Cutoff)找到尚未幸福的人並試圖找出不幸福的缺口提供改善建議。
最後共回收了179份問卷,有效問卷共160份,進行分析後發現台灣整體的國民的GNH index為0.692,其中歸類為幸福的人涵蓋整體36.25%,平均幸福度滿足的比例達80%;而歸類為還沒幸福的人涵蓋整體的63.75%,平均幸福度滿足的比例達63.75%,沒有達到充裕度閾值(Sufficiency cutoff)的加權百分比為48.22%。最後依據分析之結果找到尚未幸福的人當中幸福缺乏度最高的前四個因子:1. 擔憂負擔不了遇到嚴重疾病或事故時的所需的醫療費用;2.不滿意於政府對於社會貧富差距的應對措施;3. 不滿意於政府對於水汙染防治的政策;4. 擔憂支付不了小孩的學習費用。藉此提供給於政府做為政策上的建議。
This study is based on the correlation analysis of Sustainable Development Goals and subjective well-being provided by the 2020 World Happiness Report, and we use Sustainable Development Goals to analyze Taiwan citizens’ subjective well-being by multidimensional poverty index. In the past, Taiwan ’s assessment of well-being was mainly based on ranking and analysis through the Your Better Life Index constructed by OECD, but the calculation method of this index is to average through the index score, and to provide suggestions for improvement based on the overall ranking. Therefore, in this study, we want to try another calculation method called multidimensional poverty index to find people who are not yet happy and try to find unhappy factors to provide suggestions for improvements based on the sufficiency cutoff and happiness cutoff in the method.
Our questionnaire is composed by questions from the 2019 World Happiness Report and the 2010 Bhutan National Happiness Report which also meet the target in the SDG. Besides, the reliability analysis of our questionnaire are calculated by KR20 method, the result is 0.804, which is consistent with the inherent consistency of the questionnaire.
Finally, a total of 179 questionnaires were recovered, and a total of 160 valid questionnaires were analyzed. After analysis, it was found that the overall national GNH index of Taiwan was 0.692. Among them, the people classified as happy cover 36.25% of the whole, and the average satisfaction rate reaches 80%. The people who are classified as not yet happy cover 63.75% of the whole, the average happiness satisfaction rate reaches 63.75%, and the weighted percentage that does not reach the sufficiency cutoff is 48.22%. Finally, based on the results of the analysis, the first four factors with the highest lack of happiness among the not yet happy people are found: 1. Worry about not being able to afford the medical expenses required in the event of a serious illness or accident; 2. Not satisfied with the government ’s policies for the gap between the rich and the poor; 3. Not satisfied with the government's policies on water pollution prevention; 4. Worried about not being able to pay for the children's learning expenses. This is to provide the government with policy advice.
第一章 緒論 9
第一節 研究背景與動機 9
第二節 研究目的 10
第二章 文獻回顧 12
第一節 主觀幸福感 12
第二節 測量幸福感之報告-不丹幸福總值與世界幸福報告 14
第三節 永續發展指標(SDGs) 21
第四節 幸福感與永續發展指標(SDGs) 26
第三章 研究方法 34
第一節 研究架構 34
第二節 研究對象與資料蒐集 35
第三節 研究問卷題目來源 36
第四節 研究問卷架構與題目分類 36
第五節 分析方法-多維貧困測量法 (Multi-dimensional Poverty Index) 43
第六節、信效度分析 49
第四章 研究結果與討論 51
第一節 基本資料分析 51
第二節 國民幸福指數整體結果分析 53
第三節 從不同維度分析幸福感 54
第四節 從不同維度探討如何增加幸福感 77
第五章 結論與建議 115
第一節 研究結論 115
第二節 研究限制 120
第三節 後續研究建議 121
參考文獻 123
附錄一、 問卷內容 128

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