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作者(外文):Xu, Chenyan
論文名稱(外文):Determinants of Intragenerational Income Mobility in China —Evidence from CFPS
指導教授(外文):Wu, Shih-Ying
口試委員(外文):Tsai, Pi-Han
Tseng, Fu-Min
外文關鍵詞:intergenerational income mobilityintragenerational income mobilityfamilyindividualChinatransition matrixordered probit regression
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China's Gini coefficient has been very high over the past ten years, which means that China is a country with a large income gap. However, fairness is not only reflected in the extent of income equality between the rich and the poor, but also consider whether there is a high opportunity to move from the poor to the rich. Income mobility can reflect the dynamics of income inequality.
Income mobility includes the inequality in income between different generations of the same family, which is called “intergenerational mobility”, and the inequality in income between different families in the same generation, which is called “intragenerational mobility” (Becker and Tomes, 1979).
In this thesis, we examine the intragenerational income mobility in China during 2010-2018. We focus on the income mobility at individual or household level and discuss the determinants of the mobility. We use the CFPS data to analyze the influence of individual/household factors and discuss its implication for social policies.
We found that the income mobility of an individual or household is affected by various factors, including economic environment, labor market, their human and physical capital and many other factors. Economic growth rate, public budget of per student in compulsory education, education attainment, emigrating to other provinces have a positive impact on income mobility, but initial income, share of labor income in total income have a negative impact on it. To a certain extent, these findings are helpful to policies to improve China's income mobility.
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
Chapter 2: Data and Procession 4
2.1 Samples 4
2.1.1 Individual Sample 4
2.1.2 Household Sample 5
2.2 Income 6
2.2.1 Household Total Income 6
2.2.2 Individual Labor Income 6
2.2.3 Individual Total Income 9
2.2.4 Household Labor Income 9
Chpater 3: Measurement Issues 10
3.1 Mobility 10
3.2 Two Measures of Income Mobility 11
Chapter 4: The Extent of Income Mobility from 2010 to 2018 13
4.1 Descriptive Statistics of Income 13
4.1.1 Individual 13
4.1.2 Household 13
4.2 Income Inequality 14
4.3 Transition Matrix 14
4.3.1 Individual 15
4.3.2 Household 18
Chpater 5: Empirical Strategy 21
5.1 Model Specification 21
5.2 Independent Variables 22
5.2.1 Variables for Economy 22
5.2.2 Human and Physical Capital Variables 24
5.2.3 Labor Market Variables 25
5.2.4 Other Variables 25
5.2.5 Variables for Individual Regression 26
5.2.6 Variables for Household Regression 28
Chapter 6: Results 34
6.1 Baseline Results 34
6.2 Robustness Check 1 42
6.3 Robustness Check 2 42
6.4 Robustness Check 3 42
Chapter 7: Conclusion 44
References 46
Appendix 49

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