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作者(外文):Lin, Chang-Ying
論文名稱(外文):Polarization Insensitive and Crosstalk-reduced 5G MMW Small Cell for Duplex Bidirectional Fiber-Wireless Integrated System.
指導教授(外文):Feng, Kai-Ming
口試委員(外文):Peng, Peng Chun
Chiou, Yih-Peng
外文關鍵詞:Polarization Insensitive and Crosstalk-reduced 5G MMW Small Cell for Duplex Bidirectional Fiber-Wireless Integrated System.Polarization Insensitive and Crosstalk-reduced 5G MMW Small Cell for Duplex Bidirectional Fiber-Wireless Integrated System.Wavelength reuseMMW small cellsuccessive interference cancellation
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5G目前頻段可分為6GHz以下的Sub-6,以及高頻段毫米波(Millimeter Wave)兩種類型,毫米波的高頻段可以增強行動頻寬,但是傳輸損耗強,以後毫米波基地台尺寸較小,覆蓋範圍小,因此得靠布建更多基地台來解決,使毫米波微型基站的成本與複雜度成為一重要的議題。
在本論文中提出以偏振態多工(polarization division multiplexing, PDM)與波長複用(wavelength reuse)來實現一雙向的無偏振態追蹤光纖無線整合系統,
因為下行的資料量需求較大,所以使用了偏振態多工與28GHz的毫米波無線傳輸,偏振態多工可以在同樣的頻譜資源下傳遞兩倍的訊號,但是,解偏振態通常需要使用較複雜的技術,例如偏振態追蹤(polarization tracking)和多輸入多輸出(multi-input multi-output, MIMO)偏振態估計,前者需要適應性的偏振態追蹤系統,後者需要在兩偏振訊號上傳送訓練訊號,而且不是每個偏振態旋轉狀態都能把訊號解回來。基於實驗室之前的研究,使用光學濾波器來解偏振態多工,並使用類似序列干擾刪除(successive interference cancellation, SIC)的方法,降低系統對於光學濾波器的依賴性。
5G frequency so far included sub-6 and millimeter wave. The transmission bandwidth can be enhanced due to the high frequency of millimeter wave. But it suffered from high transmission loss. In the future, MMW base station will have the characteristics of both small size and small coverage. Hence we need to construct more base station in this situation. It made the cost and complexity of MMW small call become an important issue.
In this paper, we proposal a full-duplex polarization tracking free fiber-wireless integrated system for 5G MMW small cell base on polarization division multiplexing and wavelength reuse. Owing to the high demand of down link data capacity, PDM and millimeter wave wireless transmission in 28GHz was used. PDM was able to transmit double data in the same frequency range. However, it’s require complicated technique to implement PDM demultiplexing. Such as polarization tracking and MIMO estimation, The former need adaptive loop-based polarization tracking system m and latter had to transmit training data on two polarization. In addition, it can not successful decode the data in any polarization status. Base on previous research, we implemented polarization demultiplexing by using optical filter. Furthermore, we used a DSP that was kind of like successive interference cancellation to reduce the system’s dependance on optical filter.
We reusing the resource of downlink for uplink optical modulation. Achieving a polarization insensitive system via using a set of orthogonal optical carriers. Because of lower demand for uplink data capacity. The uplink wireless transmission part used the 3.5GHz. In the downlink experiment, we implement B2B case、25km SMF case and 3m wireless transmission respectively. In addition, the upstream experiment was also demo in B2B case and 25km SMF case. The MMW small cell was able to reduce the complexity and cost through the system. Moreover, this bidirectional system was compatible with the 5G standard. It make the system get more opportunity to be applied in the future.
中文摘要 I
致謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 4
1.3 論文架構 6
第二章 原理介紹 7
2.1 元件介紹 7
2.1.1 電光調變器-馬赫詹德調變器(Mach-Zehnder modulator, MZM) 7
2.1.2 光接收機(Photo detector, PD) 9
2.1.3 低雜訊放大器(Low noise amplifier, LNA) 11
2.1.3 混頻器(Mixer) 15
第三章 實驗想法與理論 25
3.1 光學濾波器解偏振態多工 25
3.2 應用於無偏態追蹤系統的SIC 28
3.2.1 消除相互干擾(Cross talk)想法與實現 28
3.2.2 通道與干擾程度估計 30
3.3 偏振態無感上傳機制原理 34
第四章 實驗架構與結果討論 38
4.1 雙向光纖無線整合系統機制 38
4.2 下行實驗架構與結果討論 42
4.2.1 Back-to-back與25公里單模光纖實驗架構與結果討論 42
4.2.2 毫米波無線傳輸實驗架構與結果討論 50
4.3 上行實驗架構與結果討論 53
4.3.1 Back-to-back與25公里單模光纖實驗架構 53
4.3.2 實驗結果討論 55
第五章 結論 60
參考文獻 61
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