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作者(外文):Lao, Da-Yao
論文名稱(外文):Study of Best Annealing Condition of Rear Side Passivation Stack Layer for Monocrystalline PERC Silicon Solar Cell
指導教授(外文):Wang, Li-Karn
口試委員(外文):Gan, Jon-Yiew
Chen, Sheng-Hui
外文關鍵詞:Solar cellMonocrystallinePassivation stack layer
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本實驗使用電子束蒸鍍系統沉積一層鋁於背面,以臭氧氧化的方式將鋁氧化成氧化鋁。我們分別對蒸鍍厚度、氧化時間、退火溫度及退火時間做測試,找出蒸鍍3nm鋁、氧化20分鐘、700度退火60秒為最佳。藉由XPS量測可以得到Al2O3薄膜的元素組成,並以TEM量測知道Al2O3薄膜的厚度,再以C-V量測得到退火後鈍化層的負電荷密度。接著沉積氮化矽作為鈍化保護層後進行不同退火溫度及時間的二次退火,發現最佳退火溫度及時間為400度20分鐘,還能防止鈍化層衰退。最後以所有最佳參數製成之PERC太陽能電池達到最佳填充因子為76 %、轉換效率為17.093 %,比背部全面鋁的太陽能電池相比提升了0.329 %。
The rear side passivation stack layer plays an important role in PERC solar cells. Al2O3 is an excellent material with the features of both field-effect passivation and chemical passivation. In this experiment, aluminum oxide was first used as the passivation layer, and silicon nitride layer was used as the protection layer that covers the passivation layer. The two layers were annealed with different post deposition annealing conditions to find out the parameters that maximize the minority carrier lifetime.
In this experiment, an electron beam evaporation system was used to deposit a layer of aluminum on the back, and the aluminum was oxidized into aluminum oxide by ozone oxidation. We measured the minority carrier lifetime by varying deposition thickness, oxidation time, annealing temperature, and annealing time, and found that the best minority carrier lifetime occurred with the deposition of 3nm aluminum, 20 minutes of oxidation, and 60 seconds of annealing at 700 ℃. The elemental composition of the Al2O3 film was measured by XPS, and the thickness of the Al2O3 film was measured by TEM, and then the negative charge density of the passivation layer after annealing was measured by C-V measurement. Next, silicon nitride was deposited as a protection layer, and then were subjected to second annealing with different annealing temperatures and times. It was found that the optimal annealing temperature and time were 400 ℃ for 20 minutes, which can also prevent the passivation layer from degrading. Finally, the PERC solar cell made with all the best parameters achieves an optimal fill factor of 76 % and a conversion efficiency of 17.093 %, which is 0.329 % higher than that of Al-BSF.
第一章 序論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.2.1太陽能電池發展 2
1.2.2鈍化層發展 7
1.3 研究動機 7
1.4 論文架構 8
第二章 原理介紹 9
2.1 半導體物理 9
2.1.1 半導體材料 9
2.1.2 晶體結構 10
2.1.3 半導體能帶與能隙 11
2.1.4 本質半導體與異質半導體 14
2.1.5 p-n接面 16
2.2. 太陽能電池原理 17
2.2.1 太陽輻射 17
2.2.2 太陽能電池基本運作原理 19
2.2.3 太陽能電池等效電路 20
2.2.4 太陽能電池電性參數 22
2.2.5 轉換效率的損失 24
2.2.6 量子效率 25
2.2.7 氧化層固定電荷量測 26
2.2.8 背面鈍化層 29
2.2.9 背表面場(Back Surface Field,BSF) 32
第三章 研究方法與製程步驟 34
3.1 實驗架構 34
3.2 儀器介紹 34
3.3 實驗步驟及元件架構 39
3.3.1 清洗處理(RCA clean) 41
3.3.2 表面粗糙化(Texturing) 42
3.3.3 磷擴散(Phosphorus diffusion) 42
3.3.4 背部拋光(Rear side polishing) 43
3.3.5 晶邊絕緣(Edge isolation) 43
3.3.6 磷玻璃去除(PSG removal) 43
3.3.7 蒸鍍鋁(E-gun Al) 44
3.3.8 臭氧氧化(O3 oxidation) 44
3.3.9 退火(Annealing) 44
3.3.10 背面氮化矽沉積(Rear side SiNx deposition) 44
3.3.11 二次退火(Second annealing) 45
3.3.12 黃光製程(Lithography) 45
3.3.13 正面氮化矽沉積(Front side SiNx deposition) 47
3.3.14 網印(Screen printing) 47
3.3.15 共燒結(Co-firing) 48
3.4 電容-電壓量測(C-V measurement) 49
第四章 實驗數據與分析 50
4.1 臭氧氧化金屬鋁製備氧化鋁薄膜之少數載子生命週期 50
4.1.1不同厚度蒸鍍鋁對於少數載子生命週期的影響 50
4.1.2 臭氧氧化金屬鋁不同時間的影響 54
4.1.3 臭氧氧化形成之鈍化層退火溫度及時間的比較 58
4.1.4 鈍化層衰退 74
4.2 背面氮化矽保護層退火研究 75
4.2.1 不同二次退火條件對氮化矽保護層少數載子生命週期之影響 75
4.2.2 氮化矽保護層對於衰退的影響 80
4.3 氧化鋁之元素組成分析 81
4.4 氧化鋁薄膜之TEM量測 83
4.5 固定電荷密度量測 87
4.6 反射率量測 89
4.7 元件轉換效率 90
4.8 SEM觀測 93
4.9 量子效率量測 96
第五章 結論 96
參考文獻 99

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