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作者(外文):Chen, Jun-Ting
論文名稱(外文):Improving Medical Document Retrieval by Using Grammar Based Contextualized Patterns
指導教授(外文):Chen, Yi-Shin
口試委員(外文):Chen, Chaur-Chin
Hon, Wing-Kai
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:162
  • 評分評分:*****
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In recent years, fewer and fewer queries utilize keywords for information retrieval; instead, full sentences are used for searching, for instance, with the relevant document retrieval task in Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM). For the purpose of searching with sentences, many of the previous models capture the contextualized information, intending to consider all of the terms which have a connection with the meaning of each term in the same sentence while constructing the word vector of each term. However, for most of the works contextualized information is learnt automatically. As there is possibility that the contextualized information considers the terms that are not semantically related or ignores the terms that are grammatically related. Inherent within the reason that grammar relation can help indicate which terms are semantically related in medical data, we extracted the semantic concepts in text based on grammar relation. In this thesis, to extract the semantic concepts in the text, we constructed contextualized patterns which record the grammar relation between terms. Contextualized patterns are then utilized to measure the relevant degree between a document and a query using a matching signal. This matching signal is thereafter combined with existing IR models to emphasize the matching degree between the semantically related terms of a query and those of a document. The experimental results show that after combining the existing model with our matching signal, we are able to outperform the existing IR models on model accuracy and relevant document retrieval evaluations.
Related Work..............5
Term-based model..............5
Context-based models..............7
Data Collection..............10
Contextualized Patterns Construction..............14
Grammatically Dependent Terms Extraction..............15
Pattern Candidates..............17
Matching Scores Construction..............24
Matching Signal..............30
Model and Matching Signal Combination..............32
Experimental Setup..............33
Data Preprocessing..............33
Training Data..............34
Baseline Methods..............34
Evaluation Methodology..............36
Experimental results and Discussion..............39
Conclusion and Future Work..............42
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