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作者(外文):Lin, Zhe-Yue
論文名稱(外文):The Impact of the COVID-19 Epidemic on Stock Price Volatility: Taking Chinese Stock Market as an Example
指導教授(外文):Chang, Jow-Ran
口試委員(外文):Tsai, Bi-Huei
Liu, Kang-Ernest
外文關鍵詞:stock marketCOVID-19event studypanel data modelfixed effects modelVAR model
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本文以 2020 年突發的全球公共衛生事件—新型冠狀病毒肺炎疫情(COVID-19)為突發事件,以2020 年 1 月 1 日至 2020 年 6 月 1日期間中國股市中的金融行業、醫藥衛生等十個行業為研究對象,分別使用事件分析法、Panel Data Model和VAR模型三種方法研究疫情對中國各行業板塊造成的影響。通過實證研究得到了以下結論。第一,中國境內和國外的疫情都對中國股市中的各行業板塊產生了較大的負面衝擊,其中中國境內疫情產生的衝擊具有及時性,而國外疫情產生的衝擊則有一定的滯後性。另外,行業受影響程度上,主要消費行業和醫藥衛生行業受到的新冠肺炎疫情衝擊較小,恢復速度最快。第二,疫情會加劇中國股市的波動,這種影響是倒 U 型的非線性關係;疫情期間醫藥衛生業波動率的影響明顯低於疫情對整個股市波動的影響,而對電信、資訊技術和能源行業的波動率影響顯著高於對整體市場的波動影響,其余行业與整體市場對比沒有顯著差別。第三,在新冠肺炎疫情的背景下,協整檢驗(Cointegration Test)表明中國 10 個行業股票指數間存在長期均衡關係; Granger 因果檢驗表明各行業都存在一定的因果關係,反映了各行業板塊間的風險傳染路徑;脈衝響應研究表明,中國各行業都會受到其他 9 個行業波動的衝擊影響,但是該影響受疫情持續發展的原因,而具有較長的時效性和劇烈的波動性。
With the advancement of economic globalization and Internet technology in recent years, relationships between nations and regions have been stronger, and their mutual impact has grown. In this environment, the financial risks associated with the present crises have increased, generating more severe disruptions in the stock prices of relevant industries, resulting in bigger losses for investors, firms, and the government. Studying the process and impact of emergencies on stock price fluctuations is thus beneficial not only to discovering answers and assisting in market stabilization, but also to lessening the impact of such catastrophes in the future.There is less study on public health catastrophes than there is on meteorological disasters, terrorist attacks, financial crises, and so on. Therefore, this article takes the sudden global public health event in 2020—the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic (COVID-19) as the emergency, and takes the financial industry, Ten industries including medicine and health are the research objects, and three methods, namely event analysis method, Panel Data Model and VAR model, are used to study the impact of the epidemic on various industry sectors in China.
The following findings are the result of empirical study. First, whether it is the emergence of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in China or the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic elsewhere, it has had a significant negative influence on the Chinese stock market's numerous industry sectors. The impact of the pandemic in China is one of them. The impact of imported epidemics takes time to manifest. Furthermore, the major consumer industries, as well as the medical and health industries, were the least impacted by the new crown pneumonia outbreak and recovered the fastest. Second, owing to the unique characteristics of each industry, the same components of the new crown pneumonia epidemic will have varying degrees and orientations, and the influence of each epidemic factor is not a simple linear connection, but a U-shaped shift trend. Third, in the context of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the co-integration test shows that the stock indexes of 10 Chinese industries have a long-term equilibrium relationship; the Granger causality test shows that all industries have a causal relationship, reflecting the risk contagion path among various industry sectors; and impulse response research shows that all industries in China will be affected by the fluctuations of the other 9 industries. However, due to the epidemic's long-term development, the impact has a long-term effect and fluctuates violently.
目 錄
1.緒論 1
1.1研究背景與意義 1
1.1.1研究背景 1
1.1.2研究意義 2
1.2 研究現狀 3
1.2.1國外研究現狀 3
1.2.2中國研究現狀 4
1.2.3文獻綜述小結 4
1.3主要研究思路及方法 5
1.3.1研究思路 5
1.3.2 研究方法 6
1.4 研究創新點 7
2.理論基礎 7
2.1事件分析法原理 7
2.1.1事件分析法概述 7
2.1.2事件分析法的原理和步驟 8
2.2 Panel Data Model概述 9
2.2.1 Panel Data 9
2.2.2 Panel Data Model介紹 9
2.2.3 Panel Data Model的建立步驟 11
2.3 VAR 模型概述 12
2.3.1 VAR 模型的概述 12
2.3.2 VAR 模型的特點 13
2.3.3 VAR 模型建立步驟 13
3.COVID-19 對股市的影響分析——基於事件分析法 14
3.1 事件的簡介和行情分析 14
3.2 數據和窗口期的選取 16
3.3 實證研究的變數 17
3.4 COVID-19 對股市影響的顯著性分析 18
3.4.1 各行業 AR 的統計分析 19
3.4.2 各行業 AR 的顯著性分析 20
3.4.3 各行業 CAAR 的波動分析 22
3.5 本章小結 24
4.COVID-19 疫情變數對股市的影響分析 26
4.1數據處理和變數選擇 26
4.1.1 數據選擇 26
4.1.2 變數選取與處理 26
4.2 樣本的敘述統計 27
4.2.1樣本敘述統計 27
4.2.2 單位根檢驗 28
4.4 樣本迴歸結果與分析 29
4.5 穩健性分析 30
4.6 不同行業的迴歸結果及分析 31
4.7 本章小結 34
5.COVID-19 疫情下的行業間風險傳遞分析 36
5.1 數據的選取和處理 36
5.2 協整檢驗(Cointegration Test) 37
5.3 VAR 模型的建立 39
5.3.1 最優滯後階數的確定 39
5.3.2 模型回歸與平穩性檢驗 39
5.3.3 Granger 因果檢驗 40
5.3.4 脉衝響應分析(Impulse Response Analysis) 45
5.4 本章小結 48
6 .結論與建議 49
6.1 本文總結 49
6.2 政策建議 50
参考文献 51

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