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作者(外文):Huang, Sheng-Yu
論文名稱(外文):Food Monitoring System Applying Blockchain to the Internet of Things
指導教授(外文):Huang, Chih-Hao
口試委員(外文):Chung, Wei-Ho
Lin, Chia-Wen
外文關鍵詞:Internet of ThingsBlockchainFood monitoring system
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  • 評分評分:*****
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區塊鏈在近年持續的崛起,因為現在網路資訊的發達,所以很多人將個人資料或重要資訊存儲在網路上,或是在網路上進行交易。而安全設備卻沒有跟上網路時代的快速變化,導致駭客有很多機會可以輕易竄改資料抑或是攻取網路上的秘密。這些情況讓我們認識到網路安全有著更大的重要性,所以人們開始尋找更加安全的使用網路方式。慢慢的研究密碼學、網路安全和區塊鏈成為一種熱潮,在區塊鏈的領域中,在Hyperleger這個項目中有許多的專案,例如:Hyperleger Fabric和Hyperleger Sawtooth等等,他們都有著不同的特性,我們將在本文中一一介紹。目前大多數研究都使用Hyperleger Fabric專案,因為他是較早成熟的專案。而此篇論文的主要貢獻在於研究Hyperleger Sawtooth,因為Hyperleger Sawtooth是比較新推出的專案,所以我們將以這個專案做為本次的重點研究的重點。利用Hyperleger Sawtooth的共識機制來強化物聯網中安全性比較弱的這一塊,除此之外,Hyperleger Sawtooth提供了更細微的權限控制、可執行以太坊智能合約,並且支援平行計算,能夠同時做到掌控不同類型的數據儲存。最終啟發我們基於物聯網的基礎下,搭配區塊鏈創造出本篇論文的架構。
In recent years, food issues have become a topic of increasing concern to everyone. Because in the progress of industry and technology, many times it will affect the safety of food. Such as the "poisonous milk powder incident", chickens with antibiotics, "fake wine" and "rice bran oil poisoning", these food problems have greatly affected society. Take attention to food safety will be a necessary and important issue. Human life is getting faster and more convenient in modern society, but in the pursuit of speed, it loses the most basic health management. Agricultural products have always been one of the most important food sources for people, but there have been many problems and concerns about the quality of agricultural products. Plant diseases and chemical pollution are the most common problems. There are other uncontrollable factors, such as weather or disasters that reduce the quality of agricultural products. These problems have greatly reduced agricultural product prices. Under our control, there is also the problem of deterioration of agricultural products in terms of agricultural transportation.
Due to the current development of network information, many physical devices can be connected to the network to form a huge Internet. There is no secure separation between each device, but it is only connected through the network or Bluetooth. When being attacked, other devices are also attacked at the same time, and even the data storage in them is not specially encrypted. Such a network relationship is very dangerous, so the importance of network security is reflected. The Internet of Things is an emerging technology of the Internet, which connects to the message exchange network formed by the cloud through the Internet. In addition, the Internet of Things will also affect the safety and privacy of relevant people. We must take measures to ensure that the system has a mechanism to protect against attacks. Therefore, sufficient network security is needed to prevent virus intrusion.
Blockchain has continued to rise in recent years. Because of the development of Internet information, many people store personal data or important information on the Internet or conduct transactions on the Internet. However, security equipment has not kept up with the rapid changes in the Internet era, resulting in many opportunities for hackers to easily tamper with data or steal secrets on the Internet. These situations have made us realize that network security is of greater importance, so people are beginning to look for ways to use the network more safely. Studying cryptography, learning network security and blockchain has become a craze. In the field of blockchain, there are many projects in the Hyperleger project, such as: Hyperleger Fabric and Hyperleger Sawtooth, etc., they are all different. We will introduce one by one in this paper. At present, most researches currently use the Hyperleger Fabric project because it is an earlier mature project. The main contribution of this paper is to study Hyperleger Sawtooth, because Hyperleger Sawtooth is a relatively new project, so we will use this project as the focus of this key research. Use the consensus mechanism of Hyperleger Sawtooth to strengthen the weaker part of the Internet of Things. In addition, Hyperleger Sawtooth provides more detailed permission control, executes Ethereum smart contracts, and supports parallel computing. Take control of different types of data storage. Finally inspired us to create the architecture of this thesis based on the Internet of Things and the blockchain.
Table of Contents
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgments iv
List of Figures v
List of Tables vi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation and Purpose 1
1.1.1 Motivation 1
1.1.2 Purpose 1
1.2 Thesis Architecture 3
Chapter 2 Related Work 4
2.1 Monitoring System 4
2.2 Internet of Things 4
2.2.1 Overview 4
2.2.2 Raspberry Pi 5
2.3 Blockchain 5
2.3.1 Type of Blockchain 6 Bitcoin 6 Ethereum 7 Hyperledger Fabric 8 Hyperledger Sawtooth 9
2.3.2 Blockchain as database 12
Chapter 3 System Architecture 13
3.1 Overview 13
3.2 User Terminal 14
3.2.1 Raspberry Pi 14
3.2.2 Senser 14
3.2.3 Alarm System 15
3.3 Server 15
3.4 Monitoring 15
3.5 Conclusion 16
Chapter 4 Simulation Environment 17
4.1 Request Accepter Server 17
4.1.1 Overview 17
4.1.2 Environment Setting 17
4.2 Hyperledger Sawtooth 17
4.2.1 Overview 17
4.2.2 Deploy Hyperledger Sawtooth Project 17
Chapter 5 Experiment and Result 19
5.1 Overview 19
5.2 Design of Experiments 19
5.3 Result of Experiments 20
Chapter 6 Conclusion and Future Work 25
6.1 Conclusion 25
6.2 Future Work 25
Bibliography 27

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