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作者(外文):Hsieh, Cheng-Chieh
論文名稱(外文):Joint Fine Time Synchronization and Channel Estimation Scheme Using Deep Learning for Wireless Communication Systems
指導教授(外文):Wang, Chin-Liang
外文關鍵詞:Channel EstimationClassificationDeep LearningTime SynchronizationTraining Sequence
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  • 評分評分:*****
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根據文獻記載,無線通訊系統可採用具有循環字首和循環字尾的特殊訓練序列架構,以實現聯合精細時間同步與通道估測;此一作法需要設定用於找出第一條通道路徑的搜尋範圍與門檻值。然而,在實際應用中,這些參數設定無法確保一定適當,因此對應的效能表現可能會明顯衰退。基於相同的訓練序列,本論文提出一種使用深度學習的聯合精細時間同步與通道估測方法,其中一個深度神經網路模型先在離線階段以大量的資料進行訓練,再運用至線上階段。所提出之方法不需要前述的參數設定,但具有相當出色的效能表現;模擬結果顯示,在使用3GPP短訓練序列的情況下,此方法在低訊號雜訊比之Extended Pedestrian A、Vehicular A與Typical Urban通道環境中,較之傳統作法,可分別改善 1.8%、 9.4% 和 37.2% 的正確時間同步機率;在使用3GPP長訓練序列的情況下,所提出之方法仍比傳統作法具有較佳的效能。隨著時間同步的改善,所提出之方法亦可達到更好的通道估測效能。
It is shown in the literature that joint fine time synchronization and channel estimation can be achieved for wireless communication systems by using a specific training sequence structure with both cyclic prefixing and cyclic postfixing. This method requires to set a search range and a threshold for determining the first tap of the channel impulse response. However, it is not possible to ensure appropriate settings for such parameters in practical applications, and the corresponding performance would be degraded significantly. In this thesis, a joint fine time synchronization and channel estimation scheme using deep learning (DL) is proposed based on the same training sequence structure. A deep neural network model is first trained offline by using a large number of data, and then the well-trained model is applied to the online stage. The proposed scheme is able to provide excellent performance without the above-mentioned parameter settings. Simulation results based on a 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) short training sequence demonstrate that the proposed DL-based method has nearly 1.8%, 9.4%, and 37.2% improvements in the probability of correct time synchronization over the conventional scheme at low signal-to-noise ratio situations under the Extended Pedestrian A, Vehicular A, and Typical Urban channel models, respectively. When a 3GPP long training sequence is used, the proposed method still achieves better time synchronization performance than the conventional scheme. With improved time synchronization, better channel estimation performance is achieved accordingly for the proposed DL-based scheme.
Abstract i
Contents ii
List of Figures iii
List of Tables v
I. Introduction 1
II. System Model 4
III. Review of Conventional Scheme for Joint Fine Time Synchronization and Channel Estimation 7
A. Coarse Time and Frequency Estimation 7
B. The Cross-Correlation Function Output 8
C. Joint Fine Time Synchronization and Channel Estimation Scheme 8
D. Issues Associated with the Conventional Scheme 10
IV. A Deep Learning Based Scheme for Joint Fine Time Synchronization and Channel Estimation 11
A. Deep Learning Basics 11
B. Joint Fine Time Synchronization and Channel Estimation Using Deep Learning 13
V. Simulation Results 16
VI. Conclusion 25
References 26
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