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作者(外文):Chen, Wen-Ting
論文名稱(外文):An Integrated Test Platform for Vital Signs Monitoring by Using FMCW Radar
指導教授(外文):Chung, Wei-Ho
口試委員(外文):Huang, Wan-Jen
Hsiu, Pi-Cheng
Huang, Chih-Hao
外文關鍵詞:vital signsFMCW radarelectromagnetic wavesintegrated test platform
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  • 點閱點閱:878
  • 評分評分:*****
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The monitoring of vital signs is an important medical method that helps medical staff judge the patient’s physical condition. It is especially used to check for arrhythmia or sleep apnea. However, traditional contact measurement not only causes discomfort to the patient, but also adds workload to the medical staff.
In order to improve the shortcomings of contact measurement, researchers have turned their attention to non-contact measurement methods. Patients no longer need to wear devices, and medical staff can continuously monitor the patient’s condition. However, non-contact measurement methods make the signal vulnerable to external interference, and seriously affects the accuracy of the measurement data.
In this study, we used the electromagnetic waves of the FMCW radar to monitor the heartbeat signal of the subject, and designed a series of independent variables and control variables during the test, trying to find out the factors that affect the accuracy of the radar signal.
We compared the experimental results and found out the factors that have a greater impact: the environment and the actions that block the chest, and successfully eliminated some behaviors that would not interfere with the test, making the FMCW radar more flexible in the future application.
第一章 緒論---1
1.1 研究背景與動機---1
1.2 論文架構---2
第二章 相關研究---3
第三章 系統架構---5
3.1 硬體介紹---5
3.1.1 AWR1642---5
3.1.2 DCA1000---6
3.1.3 血氧濃度機---7
3.2 訊號處理---8
3.3 雷達參數設定---11
第四章 實驗與資料庫建構---12
4.1 實驗設計---13
4.1.1 距離變因---13
4.1.2 角度變因---14
4.1.3 環境變因---17
4.1.4 動作變因---18

4.2 實驗結果分析---20
4.2.1 基於頻譜分析距離衰減影響---20
4.2.2 基於頻譜分析角度失真影響---22
4.2.3 基於頻譜分析障礙物干擾影響---25
4.2.4 基於頻譜分析動作干擾影響---27
第五章 結論與未來工作---31
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