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作者(外文):Cheng, Ming-Che
論文名稱(外文):Deep STI: Deep Stochastic Time-series Imputation on Electronic Medical Records
指導教授(外文):Lin, Che
Ueng, Yeong-Luh
口試委員(外文):Su, Tung-Hung
Wang, Weichung
Chien, Jen-Tzung
外文關鍵詞:Deep learningelectronic health recordimputationcancer predictionhepatocellular carcinoma
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  • 評分評分:*****
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測表現。 電子病歷中檢驗的採檢頻率不同,各項目需要採檢的情況也不同,每個病
型能否精準預測疾病的關鍵。本研究提出深度隨機時間序列補值法 (Deep STI) 解
用補值的電子病歷預測疾病。 藉由融合補值網路以及預測網路,我們提出的模型能
我們以預測肝病病人一年後是否會罹患肝細胞癌 (HCC) 來評估預測模型的表現,
並在本研究中展示我們的模型確實能夠有效增進預測表現,達到 40.74%平均
AUPRC 以及 89.46%平均 AUROC。 相較於邏輯斯回歸僅有 22.68%以及平均
AUPRC 83.39%平均 AUROC, 我們的預測模型更能顯其優勢。除此之外,我們還
發現模型的補值網路能夠增進模型的穩定度,降低隨機性對模型的干擾。 我們相信
In recent years, deep learning has brought advances to various medical applications.
One of them is exploring electronic health records (EHRs) via deep learning. Deep neural
networks (DNNs) possess the ability to extract abstract information from patients’
medical history and the potential to provide new and intelligent insights. However, the
lack of complete EHRs hinders model development and limits model performance.
Features in EHRs are observed in different frequencies or under different conditions; not
all features are recorded in every EHR. After feature alignment, unobserved features in
every EHR turns into numerous missing values. Determining a good representation of
missing value is one of the keys to improving prediction performance. This study
proposes the Deep Stochastic Time-series Imputation (Deep STI) model to address the
challenge. The central concept is to infer missing values from observed values by an
imputation network and simultaneously predict target disease according to imputed data
by a prediction network. By integrating both the imputation network and prediction
network into an end-to-end architecture, our model can simultaneously generate missing
values in dynamic length EHR sequence and predict target probability. We evaluated our
model via the prediction of real-world hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients.
Numerical experiments showed that Deep STI could improve model performance in
predicting HCC in one year. Our model yielded the top mean AUROC of 89.46% and
mean AUPRC of 40.74%. Our model significantly outperforms logistic regression, with
a mean AUROC of 83.39% and a mean AUPRC of 22.68%. Besides, our imputation
mechanism can efficiently improve model stability and reduce variance caused by
randomness. We believe that this study can be an important piece of research iniv
developing deep learning models for time-series EHR imputations.
致謝 i
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
List of Figures vii
List of Tables viii
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
Chapter 2. Data 4
2.1 Data Description 4
2.2 The Prediction Task 4
2.3 Feature 4
2.4 Preprocessing 5
2.4.1 Data Cleaning 6
2.4.2 Summarization 7
Chapter 3. Method 11
3.1 Deep Neural Network 11
3.2 Recurrent Neural Network 13
3.2.1 Long Short-term Memory 15
3.2.2 Gated Recurrent Unit 16
3.2.3 Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Network 17
3.3 Variational Autoencoder 18
3.4 RNN-based VAE 20
3.5 KL vanishing 21
3.5 Normalizing Flow 22
3.6 Inverse Autoregressive Flow 23
3.7 Deep Stochastic Time-series Imputation 24
3.7.1 Imputation Block 25
3.7.2 Prediction Block 27
3.7.3 Training 28
Chapter 4. Experiment 30
4.1 Baseline Model 30
4.2 The Subgroup Patients 31
4.3 Evaluation Metrics 32
4.4 Result 34
4.4.1 All Patients 34
4.4.2 HBV(\CIR) Patients 36
4.4.3 HCV(\CIR) Patients 38
4.4.4 CIR Patients 39
4.4.5 OTHER Patients 41
Chapter 5. Discussion 44
5.1 Subgroup Analysis via Visualization 44
5.2 Risk Score Comparison 46
5.3 Stability Analysis 46
5.4 Influence of LOCF 48
5.5 Future Enhancement 49
Chapter 6. Conclusion 51
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