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作者(外文):Lin, Ting-Ya
論文名稱(外文):Improved Anchor-representation for Distributed Multi-view Subspace Clustering
指導教授(外文):Hong, Yao-Win Peter
外文關鍵詞:multi-view clusteringsubspace clusteringdistributed learninganchor-representationdeep learning
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:397
  • 評分評分:*****
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Multi-view clustering aims to discover the underlying structure of data by exploring complementary information from multiple views. This work is an improvement anchor-representation method for [1]. Considering the real-world distributed scenario where data of different views are observed and stored in their local devices, a distributed multi-view subspace clustering method is proposed with an auto-weighted spectral embedding regularizer to ensure the consistency across multiple views. Rather than conventional self-representation approach, anchor-representation method reduces communication costs and computational complexity under distributed environment by representing data with anchor points. To prevent the self-represented situation of anchors and stabilize the clustering results with a larger number of anchor points, we consider the constraint on representation matrix. Moreover, to deal with nonlinear subspace, a deep neural-based model is proposed with an additional anchor-extraction layer that builds the anchor dictionary efficiently and makes it adaptive. By optimizing between center node and local node in an alternative fashion, our method derives clustering results without explicit data exchange between each node. Experiments on several real-world public datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Abstract i
Contents ii
1 Introduction------------------------------------------------1
2 Related Works-----------------------------------------------5
2.1 Multi-view Subspace Clustering ---------------------------5
2.2 Deep Subspace Clustering----------------------------------6
2.3 Anchor-based Multi-view Clustering------------------------8
3 System Model -----------------------------------------------9
4 Improved Anchor-representation for the Linear Approach------11
4.1 Optimization Strategy ------------------------------------13
4.1.1 Optimization of C^(v) with given F, D and w^(v) --------13
4.1.2 Optimization of F given C^(v) and w^(v)-----------------16
4.2 Complexity -----------------------------------------------17
5 Improved Anchor-representation for Nonlinear Approach-------19
5.1 Network Architecture -------------------------------------19
5.2 Objective Function----------------------------------------21
5.3 Distributed Training Procedure----------------------------21
5.4 Complexity------------------------------------------------23
6 Experiments-------------------------------------------------24
6.1 Experimental Settings-------------------------------------24
6.1.1 Dataset Descriptions------------------------------------24
6.1.2 Comparison Methods--------------------------------------25
6.1.3 Evaluation Metrics -------------------------------------26
6.1.4 Implementation Details----------------------------------27
6.2 Experimental Results--------------------------------------28
6.2.1 Performance Evaluation of IMP-LDMSC---------------------28
6.2.2 Performance Evaluation of IMP-NDMSC --------------------30
7 Conclusion -------------------------------------------------33
Appendix A Optimization of cluster indicator in the central server--34
Appendix B Network setting -----------------------------------35
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