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作者(外文):Yen, Shou-Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Preemptive Multiplexed HTTP Streaming of 360◦ Tiled Videos to Head-Mounted Displays
指導教授(外文):Hsu, Cheng-Hsin
口試委員(外文):Chen, Chien
Huang, Chun-Ying
外文關鍵詞:Virtual Reality360° VideosDASHABRPrototype
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我們使用QUIC / UDP協議設計,設計、實作、評估用於360度視頻的方塊DASH串流媒體系統, 其中利用多路復用和優先串流來發送即將錯過其播出時間的緊急方塊頻。 我們設計了一個新架構,可以同時向伺服器端利用較低優的順位索取常規方塊視頻和較高順位索取的緊急方塊視頻,讓單個QUIC連線上有多個串流。 我們為這個新架構設計了幾個核心組件,包括眼球注視預測演算法、快速方塊視頻挑選器、動態調整視頻畫質(ABR)的演算法。 與串流2D平面視頻相比,使用DASH將360度方塊視頻傳輸到頭戴式顯示器更具挑戰性。 據我們所知,大多數現有的DASH的ABR演算法不是針對多個串流而設計的。因此我們設計了一種針對串流360度方塊視頻的搶占式多路復用DASH串流的ABR算法。我們的演算法設計基於三個目標:(i)防止影片緩衝區無內容、(ii)避免影片間畫質的差異太大、以及(iii) 最大化平均影片畫質。 我們利用一些開源專案在Linux系統中實現我們提出的解決方案。我們的實驗結果顯示,與其他基準演算法相比,我們的算法:(i)當網路資源有限時,平均將緩衝計數減少3.2次,緩衝時間最多減少2.54秒, (ii)最多達到網路資源利用率提高40.02%, 以及(iii)在5-15 Mbps頻寬下提供39-49 dB的良好平均V-PSNR。
We design, implement, and evaluate a tiled DASH streaming system for 360° videos using QUIC/UDP protocol, in which multiplexed and prioritized streams are leveraged for sending urgent tiles that are about to miss their playout time. In particular, we develop a new architecture to concurrently request for regular tiled segments at lower priorities and urgent tiled segments at higher priorities as multiple streams over a single QUIC connection. Several core components, including the fixation prediction algorithm, fast tile selector, and Adaptive Bit Rate (ABR) algorithm are designed for this new architecture. Compared to streaming 2D planar videos, streaming 360° tiled videos using DASH to head-mounted displays is much more challenging. To the best of our knowledge, most existing DASH ABR algorithms are not designed for multiple and concurrent streams. Therefore, we design an ABR algorithm tailored for preemptive multiplexed DASH streams carrying 360° tiled videos. A suite of design decisions are made for three design objectives: (i) preventing buffer under-run, (ii) avoiding large quality jumps, and (iii) maximizing average quality. Capitalizing a few open-source projects, we implement our proposed solutions in a real end-to-end Linux system. Our experiment results show that compared to the baseline algorithms, our algorithm: (i) averagely reduces the rebuffering counts by up to 3.2 and rebuffering time by up to 2.54 s when the bandwidth is limited, (ii) achieves at most 40.02% higher bandwidth utilization, and (iii) delivers good average V-PSNR at 39–49 dB under 5–15 Mbps bandwidth.
Acknowledgments ---------- i
致謝 ---------- ii
Abstract ---------- iii
中文摘要 ---------- iv
1 Introduction ---------- 1
2 Background ---------- 6
3 Proposed Preemptive Multiplexed System ---------- 10
4 Preemptive Multiplexed Adaptive Bit Rate Algorithms ---------- 14
5 Implementations and Evaluations ---------- 23
6 Related Work ---------- 35
7 Conclusion and Future Work ---------- 38
Bibliography ---------- 40
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