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作者(外文):Lai, Yi-Huei
論文名稱(外文):TellMeWhy: Learning to Explain Corrective Feedback for Second Language Learners
指導教授(外文):Chang, Jyun-Sheng
外文關鍵詞:CALLcorrective feedbackgrammar patternscollocationsgrammatical error correction
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We introduce a method for learning to provide feedback on a given English sentence with a correction. In our approach, the sentence with a correction is analyzed to identify the error type and a problem word, aimed at customizing explanations according to the context of the error type and the problem word. The method involves learning the relation of errors and problem words, generating common feedback patterns of each error type, and extracting grammar patterns along with collocations and example sentences for explanation.
At run-time, a sentence with a correction is classified, and the problem word and template are identified to provide detailed explanations. We present a prototype feedback system, TellMeWhy, that applies the method to an annotated corpus and an underlying grammatical error correction system. Preliminary evaluation on a set of representative sentences with common errors shows that the method has potential to improve existing commercial writing services.
List of Figures------------------------------vii
List of Tables-------------------------------viii
1 Introduction-------------------------------1
2 Related Work-----------------------------7
3 Methodology-----------------------------11
4 Experiment and Evaluation----------------17
5 Future Work and Summary----------------23
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