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作者(外文):Cheng, Yu-Min
論文名稱(外文):Predicting Early Exiting for Fast Inference in Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
指導教授(外文):King, Chung-Ta
口試委員(外文):Jiang, Jehn-Ruey
Lee, Chun-Yi
外文關鍵詞:convolutionneural networkspeed upbranchearly exitpredictor
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:332
  • 評分評分:*****
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卷積神經網路已經被證明可有效解決許多複雜以及實務上的問題。為了能夠解決更困難的問題,我們使用的網路不僅越來越深,也越來越廣,因此加速其運算時間和降低能耗的需求變得迫在眉睫。其中一個有效的方法在 BranchyNet 這篇論文被提出,也就是在神經網路中加入分支,讓那些具備較高信心程度的資料,能夠儘早退出神經網路。然而,這種架構也會導致那些比較難以預測正確的資料,需要經過很多分支才能夠結束運算,形成額外的時間成本。此外,一筆資料在進入一個分支時的中間值也需要被暫存起來,如此才能夠讓這筆資料在無法於該分支退出時,得以回去整個網路的主幹繼續往下執行。若是我們在邊緣裝置上使用這種架構,這些問題會顯得更加嚴重。同步執行這些分支或許可以減輕這些問題,但是會需要花費額外的計算資源以及能源。在這篇論文中,我們提倡在分支的前面使用輕量的預測器,以決定是否要進入一個分支。如果預測正確的話,就可以讓一筆資料以最短的路徑前往正確的出口。為了檢驗這個方法是否可行,我們使用了不同的預測器以及擺放策略進行實驗。實驗結果顯示我們的方法可以犧牲很少的準確度,降低整體的運算時間。
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been shown to be effective in solving many complex and practical problems. As increasingly deeper and larger networks are attempted for solving more complex problems, the need to speed up their inference time and reduce the energy consumption is becoming imperative. One promising approach is to allow test instances to exit the neural network early if they can be inferred with high confidence, as exemplified in BranchyNet, which adds extra side branch classifiers for early exiting. The problem with architectures such as BranchyNet is that test instances that are hard to infer may have to go through many side branches before they can exit, incurring extra delays in the network. Moreover, intermediate results have to be buffered when such instances enter a branch, so that if they cannot exit at that branch, they can return to the main path. The problems become more severe if edge devices are to adopt such architectures. Concurrent execution of the branches may mitigate the problems, but at the cost of extra computing resources and energy consumption. In this thesis, we propose to use light-weight predictors, or classifiers, in front of the branches to determine whether the given instance should enter a branch or not. If predicted accurately, test instances will go through the shortest path to their right exits. We examine different predictors and strategies of placing the predictors. Extensive experiments show that the proposed approach can reduce the total execution time while sacrificing minimal inference accuracy.
Chinese Abstract i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgements iii
1 Introduction 1
2 Related Work 4
2.1 Parameter Pruning and Sharing ................. 4
2.2 Low-rank Factorization ........................ 4
2.3 Transferred/Compact Convolutional Filters ..... 5
2.4 Knowledge Distillation ........................ 5
2.5 Early-exiting ................................. 5
3 Method 7
3.1 NN-based Entropy Predictor .................... 7
3.2 NN-based Exit Predictor ....................... 10
4 Evaluation 12
4.1 Branchy-LeNet ................................. 13
4.2 Branchy-AlexNet ............................... 15
4.3 Branchy-ResNet ................................ 18
4.4 Branchy-ResNeXt ............................... 20
4.5 Branchy-DenseNet .............................. 22
5 Discussion 26
6 Conclusion 28
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