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作者(外文):Yang, Hsuan-Kung
論文名稱(外文):Exploration via Flow-based Intrinsic Rewards
指導教授(外文):Lee, Chun-Yi
口試委員(外文):Hu, Min-Chun
Chou, Jerry
外文關鍵詞:Reinforcement LearningOptical FlowExplorationCuriosityIntrinsic Rewards
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  • 評分評分:*****
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基於預測新穎性產生內部獎勵來促使探索環境的方式已經被廣泛地運用在深度強化學習相關的任務上,此一方式能有效的加速環境探索,並使被訓練的對象在擁有稀疏獎勵的環境也能成功完成任務。然而,在目前的獎勵產生方式當中,並沒有考慮到運動特徵的重要性。 我們認為運動特徵能成為一個很好的新穎性評斷標準,因此我們提出了一種全新內部獎勵模組: Flow-based Intrinsic Curiosity Module (FICM),FICM 利用光流估計當中的預測誤差作為探索之內部獎勵,此一方法能夠利用連續觀測之間捕獲的運動特徵來評估目前環境觀測的新穎性。FICM 鼓勵被訓練的對象探索不熟悉的運動以及場景,進而達到環境探索的功效。我們在多種基準環境下將 FICM 與現有方法進行比較,包括 Atari、SuperMario Bros. 和 ViZDoom 環境,我們證明 FICM 在由運動特徵所組成的環境中有優越的表現,在此同時我們也同時分析 FICM 的運算效率,並全面討論其適用的領域。
In this paper, we focus on a prediction-based novelty estimation strategy upon the deep reinforcement learning (DRL) framework, and present a flow-based intrinsic curiosity module (FICM) to exploit the prediction errors from optical flow estimation as exploration bonuses. We propose the concept of leveraging motion features captured between consecutive observations to evaluate the novelty of observations in an environment. FICM encourages a DRL agent to explore observations with unfamiliar motion features, and requires only two consecutive frames to obtain sufficient information when estimating the novelty. We evaluate our method and compare it with a number of existing methods on multiple benchmark environments, including Atari games, Super Mario Bros., and ViZDoom. We demonstrate that FICM is favorable to tasks or environments featuring moving objects, which allow FICM to utilize the motion features between consecutive observations. We further ablatively analyze the encoding efficiency of FICM, and discuss its applicable domains comprehensively.
1 Introduction 1
2 Background 5
2.1 Curiosity-Driven Exploration Methodologies 5
2.1.1 Next-frame Prediction Strategy 6
2.1.2 Self-frame Prediction Strategy 6
2.2 Optical Flow Estimation 7
3 Methodology 8
3.1 Flow-Based Curiosity-Driven Exploration 9
3.2 Flow-Based Intrinsic Curiosity Module 10
3.3 Implementations of FICM 12
4 Experiments 14
4.1 Experiments on FICM’s Capability of Exploiting Motion Features for Exploration 15
4.2 Experiments on Exploration with Sparse Extrinsic Rewards 17
4.3 Experiments on Hard Exploration Games 19
4.4 Ablation Analysis 20
4.4.1 Stacked versus Non-stacked Frames 20
4.4.2 RGB versus Gray-scale Frames 21
4.5 Discussions on the Impacts of FICM 23
5 Conclusion 27
References 28
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