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作者(外文):Tsai, Chia-Chan
論文名稱(中文):CMOS 90奈米 Ka頻段放大器應用於光載毫米波系統之設計與實現
論文名稱(外文):Design and Implementation of 90-nm CMOS Ka-band Amplifiers for Radio-over-Fiber Systems
指導教授(外文):Liu, Jenny Yi-Chun
口試委員(外文):Hsu, Shuo-Hung
Li, Chun-Hsing
Lee, Ming Chang
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:433
  • 評分評分:*****
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本論文將介紹三個操作於Ka-band的毫米波晶片,分別應用於光載毫米波系統的傳輸端與接收端,並利用90-nm CMOS製程來實現,該製程擁有高整合度與低功耗的優點。第一個晶片設計為低雜訊放大器,用來做為在接收端馬赫-曾德爾干涉儀 (Mach Zehnder Modulator, MZM)的驅動晶片。由於為在接收端馬赫-曾德爾干涉儀需求,該放大器利用分路器將訊號變成雙端輸出,並分別擁有11.5 dB和13.2 dB的線性增益,其雜訊指數為2.5 dB。第二個晶片設計為第一個晶片的延續,在架構中增加功率放大器來對輸出功率進行最大化,進而能更穩定的驅動MZM。第三個晶片設計則是用來做為傳輸端轉換並放大訊號的角色,接收來自光電二極體的電流訊號,將之轉換成電壓訊號並由PA放大。該晶片擁有37.32 dB的線性增益,其雜訊指數為4 dB,並擁有約14 dBm的飽和輸出功率。
Under the rapid development of communication network in modern days, technique that operates in millimeter wave band became the most important research area. Due to the abundant resources in high frequency band, it can provide massive system capacity, which brings us faster transmission rate, wider bandwidth and lower latency. The main applications of millimeter wave include automotive radar, mobile devices and transceiver communication station. But the wavelength of millimeter-wave is too short, and the diffraction is too weak which limited the transmission distance. In order to cover the network completely, Radio-over-Fiber (RoF) system provides an efficient solution, which is the core content of this theory. The thesis structure can simply divide into two subject, chip design and system integration.
In this thesis, three millimeter-wave circuits that operate in Ka-band for RoF systems will be presented. They are fabricated in a 90-nm CMOS process. The process has advantages of high integration and low power dissipation. The first design is low-noise amplifier, which is used for driving Mach Zehnder Modulator (MZM) in RoF receiver. According to the requirements of the MZM, a splitter is used to generate two output signals. They have 11.5 dB and 13.25 dB power gain, respectively, and 2.5 dB noise figure. The second design is the extended version of the first chip with a power amplifier added to maximum the output power, in order to drive the MZM more stably. The third design is used in RoF TX system. It receives the current signals from photo diode (PD), and converts them into voltage signals then amplified by them. This chip has 37.32 dB power gain, 4 dB noise figure and 14 dBm saturation output power.
In the second part of this thesis, the transmitter (TX) RoF integration is presented. The integration includes the integrated circuits and the PD on a printed circuit board (PCB). Through a single tone testing, OFDM modulated signal testing and TV HDMI signal testing, we can verify the functionality of the integrated transmitter. Furthermore, we will introduce 1x4 patch antenna design, which is the critical device that allows RoF system to become the true wireless communication system.
摘要 i
Contents iv
List of Figures viii
List of Tables xiii
Chapter 1 Introduction 14
1.1. Motivation 14
1.2. Introduction to Millimeter-Wave and Ka-band 15
1.3. Introduction to Silicon Photonics Radio Over Fiber Communication System 17
1.4. Thesis Organization 19
Chapter 2 Overview of RF design and Optical Device 20
2.1. Passive Device 20
2.1.1 Inductors 20
2.1.2 Capacitors 22
2.2. General Specifications in Circuit Design 24
2.2.1 S-parameter 24
2.2.2 Power gain 26
2.2.3 Noise Figure 27
2.2.4 P1dB 27
2.2.5 IIP3 28
2.3. Optical Device 30
2.3.1 Photo Diode (PD) 30
2.3.2 Mach Zehnder Modulator (MZM) 31
Chapter 3 Design of Ka-Band Low Noise Amplifier for Radio-over-Fiber System 32
3.1. Motivation 32
3.2. Design of Ka-band Low-Noise Amplifier with two in-phase outputs 33
3.2.1 Design Flow 33 Three-stage Low-Noise Amplifier 33 Noise Measure 34 DC Bias Selection by Noise Measure 36 NMOS size selection by noise measure 38 Gain stage Design 39 Variable resistor 41
3.2.2 Comparison of Simulation and Measurement Results 42 Measurement setup 43 Results and Comparison 45
3.2.3 Summary 55
3.3. Design of Receiver Front-End in a 90-nm CMOS for Driving MZM 56
3.3.1 Design Flow 57 Two stage cascade LNA design 57 PA and Splitter Design 57 Size and bias selection of PA 58 Load pull matching 59 Breakdown prevention design 60
3.3.2 Simulation and Measurement Results Comparison 62 Results and comparison 63
3.3.3 Problem solving 70
3.3.4 Summary 73
Chapter 4 Design of Ka-band Power Amplifier for Transmitter of Radio-over-Fiber System 75
4.1. Motivation 75
4.2. Design of Power Amplifier in 90-nm CMOS for Radio over Fiber System 76
4.2.1 Design Flow 77 Low noise amplifier design 77 PA design 78
4.2.2 Simulation and Measurement Results Comparison 79 Results and comparison 80
4.2.3 Summary 85
4.3. Design of 28-GHz Antenna 86
4.3.1 Design Flow 86 Fringing effect of microstrip line 86 Design of patch antenna 87
4.3.2 HFSS Simulation 90
4.3.3 Measurement Results Analysis 91
4.4. Radio over Fiber system transceiver mode integration and testing 94
4.4.1 PCB Design 95
4.4.2 Single tone testing 96
4.4.3 OFDM testing 98
4.4.4 HDMI TV signal testing 100
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future work 102
Reference 104

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