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作者(外文):Chu, Yu-Cheng
論文名稱(外文):A 160MS/s 10-bit Successive-Approximation Analog-to-Digital Converter with Redundancy
指導教授(外文):Chu, Ta-Shun
口試委員(外文):WU, JEN-MING
Wang, Yu-Jiu
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:432
  • 評分評分:*****
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In the change of wireless communication technology, 4G technology provide high transmission speed for signal. ADC are an irreplaceable part of the system and it can effectively convert analog signals into digital signals. Nowadays, there are different types of ADCs. Among them, SAR ADC are more popular because in SAR ADC many digital circuits are easier to simplify by the evolution of technology scales.
This paper implements a successive-approximation ADC and optimizes the switching speed with redundancy so that the speed can be further improved. This SAR ADC has the characteristics of high speed and low power. It can be used in the timing-interleaved ADC and can be coupled with a parallel channel architecture to further increase the speed.
The SAR ADC is implemented in TSMC 65nm process. The supply voltage is 1.2 volts, the peak-to-peak input signal is 2.2 volts, the number of effective bits in the simulation results is 9.902, the peak DNL value is +0.02 to -0.24 LSB and the peak INL value is +0.23 to -0.24 LSB, the average power consumption is 2.801mW, and the circuit area is 0.0254. 〖mm〗^2。

第一章 簡介 1
第二章 研究背景以及相關研究介紹 2
第三章 連續漸進式類比數位轉換器電路原理以及切換模式 16
第四章 帶冗餘位連續漸進式類比數位轉換器之設計 26
第五章 結論與未來發展 60
參考文獻 61

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