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作者(外文):Lin, Szu-Yu
論文名稱(外文):A Bandgap Circuit and a Delta-Sigma Modulator for Smart Temperature Sensor
指導教授(外文):Chu, Ta-Shun
口試委員(外文):Wang, Yu-Jiu
Wu, Jen-Ming
外文關鍵詞:Smart Temperature SensorBandgap Voltage Reference CircuitDelta-Sigma Modulator
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  • 點閱點閱:978
  • 評分評分:*****
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以能帶隙電壓參考電路作為智慧型溫度感測器的前端溫度感測電路,主要是透過雙極性電晶體(BJT)對於溫度的特性。能帶隙電壓參考電路將溫度轉為電訊號VTemp,並透過正溫度係數與負溫度係數的處理得到不隨溫度變化的參考電位VRef。依溫度範圍分為兩段式的解析度,在-25℃~125℃的情況下,智慧型溫度感測器能夠偵測到0.5℃的解析度,在此情況下的參考電位溫度係數為1.018 PPM/℃,溫度電訊號VTemp的電位範圍有0.7V。而為了加強在晶片運作時的常見溫度範圍27℃~80℃,智慧型溫度感測器能偵測到0.01℃。
而後端對解析度與速度做取捨之後以三角積分類比數位轉換器做溫度電訊號VTemp轉換為數位訊號。此論文以TSMC 65nm CMOS 1P9M製程實現三角積分類比數位轉換器,其輸入頻寬在20kHz以內,取樣頻率為10MHz,在超取樣比率256的情況下,能夠達到解析度15.343 bits。

With the development of the semiconductor industry, the control of integrated circuit variations is as important as the pursuit of high efficiency and low cost. The influence of temperature variations on integrated circuits cannot be underestimated. This thesis presents a bandgap voltage reference circuit and a discrete-time second-order delta-sigma analog-to-digital converter for the smart temperature sensor.
A bandgap voltage reference circuit, which base on the characteristics of the bipolar transistor (BJT) , is used as the front-end circuit of the smart temperature sensor. The bandgap voltage reference circuit converts the temperature into voltage signal VTemp. At the same time, through the processing of the positive temperature coefficient and the negative temperature coefficient, we can get a temperature-independent voltage reference VRef. The resolution is divided into two stages according to the temperature range. In the case of -25℃ ~ 125℃, the smart temperature sensor can detect the resolution of 0.5℃, and the temperature coefficient of the VRef is 1.018 PPM / ℃, the range of the VTemp is 0.7V. In the case of 27℃ ~ 80℃, which is the common temperature range when the chips is turning, the smart temperature sensor can detect the resolution of 0.01℃.
A discrete-time second-order delta-sigma analog-to-digital converter have been chosen after a trade-off between the resolution and the speed. This thesis presents a discrete-time second-order delta-sigma analog-to-digital converter, and to be implemented with TSMC 65nm 1P9M process. The delta-sigma A/D converter can detect the resolution of 15.343 bits with 20kHz signal bandwidth and oversampling ratio of 256.
By using the smart temperature sensor, we can greatly reduce the influence of temperature on the results of the integrated circuit chip.
中文摘要 i
Abstract(英文摘要) ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 v
表目錄 ix
第一章 序論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.1.1 智慧型溫度感測器 1
1.1.2 理想電流源 2
1.1.3 自偏壓參考電流源 5
1.2 論文章節組織 7
第二章 雙極性接面型電晶體型式溫度感測器 8
2.1 溫度感測器 8
2.1.1 溫度感測器的選擇 8
2.1.2 雙極性接面型電晶體特性 9
2.1.3 溫度電位(VPTAT)與參考電位(VRef) 12
2.2 能帶隙電壓參考電路設計 14
2.2.1 能帶隙電壓參考電路 14
2.2.2 電流值操作範圍 16
2.2.3 雙極性接面型電晶體(BJT)設計 19
2.2.4 PMOS電流鏡設計 21
2.2.5 NMOS電流鏡設計 24
2.2.6 電阻設計 26
2.3 溫度感測器模擬結果 28
第三章 類比數位轉換器 30
3.1 取樣定理 30
3.2 量化定理 33
3.3 類比數位轉換器比較 37
3.4 超取樣(Oversampling) 38
3.5 雜訊整形(Noise Shaping) 42
3.6 三角積分數位類比轉換器之線性模型[12] 53
3.7 交換式電容積分器 57
第四章 三角積分類比數位轉換器設計 63
4.1 電容設計 63
4.2 開關設計 73
4.3 放大器設計 83
4.4 比較器設計 98
4.5 時脈產生器設計 101
4.6 三角積分類比數位轉換器模擬結果 102
第五章 結論與未來工作 105
5.1 結論 105
5.2 未來工作 105
參考文獻 106
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