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作者(外文):Chen, Chih-Cheng
論文名稱(外文):A 12-ENOB Second-Order Noise Shaping SAR ADC with PVT-insensitive Voltage-Time-Voltage Converter
指導教授(外文):Hsieh, Chih-Cheng
口試委員(外文):Lee, Tai-Cheng
Hsieh, Ping-Hsuan
Chen, Chia-Hung
外文關鍵詞:oversamplingnoise-shapingSAR ADC
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  • 評分評分:*****
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本論文提出一個具有製程、電壓、溫度不敏感性電壓-時間-電壓轉換器之十二位元二階雜訊塑形連續漸進式(successive-approximation register, SAR)類比數位轉換器(analog-to-digital converter, ADC)。
本論文使用了電壓-時間-電壓(Voltage-Time-Voltage, V-T-V)轉換器提供了精準的開環增益,由於僅依靠電容與電流比例,其增益本質上對於製成、電壓與溫度(Process-Voltage-Temperature, PVT)具有不敏感性,因此並不需要教正即可實現理想的雜訊轉換函數 (noise transfer function, NTF)。此外,V-T-V轉換器只消耗動態功率。透過使用元件比例設計與動態功耗方式,所提出的ADC具有抵抗PVT變異與良好功率效益的特性。
為了驗證本電路,此架構使用90奈米1P9M互補式金氧半導體製程製作,核心電路面積為429.7 x 90.7um2,在1伏特電源電壓及1千萬赫茲取樣頻率操作下,此晶片在625千赫茲輸入頻寬實現之SNDR為73.8dB,其對應的ENOB為12-bit,功率消耗為71.4微瓦,而等效的Walden figure of merit (FOMW)為14.2fJ/conversion-step,Schreier figure of merit (FOMS)為173.2dB。
This thesis presents a 12-ENOB second-order noise shaping successive-approximation register (NS SAR) analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with PVT-insensitive voltage-time-voltage (V-T-V) converter.
The proposed NS SAR ADC uses the V-T-V converter to provide an accurate open-loop gain stage for active residue process. By relying on the capacitor and current ratio only, the gain of V-T-V converter is inherently PVT-insensitive. Therefore, no calibration is needed and an aggressive noise transfer function (NTF) can be realized. Moreover, the V-T-V converter consumes only dynamic power. By using ratio design and dynamic manner, the proposed ADC is PVT-insensitive and energy efficient.
The prototype was fabricated in 90nm 1P9M CMOS technology with a core area of 429.7 x 90.7um2. At 1V supply voltage and 10MS/s sampling rate, the ADC achieves the SNDR of 73.8dB and the corresponding ENOB is 12-bit at the input bandwidth of 625kHz. It consumes 71.4µW power totally, resulting in the Walden figure of merit (FOMW) of 14.2fJ/conversion-step and Schreier figure of merit (FOMS) of 173.2 dB, respectively.
List of Figures-----vi
List of Tables-----ix
Chapter 1 Introduction-----1
1.1 Motivation-----1
1.2 Architecture selection-----1
1.3 Target Specifications-----3
1.4 Thesis Organization-----5
Chapter 2 Basic Concept of ADC-----5
2.1 Sampling Theorem-----6
2.2 Resolution-----6
2.3 Quantization Error-----7
2.4 Offset Error-----8
2.5 Gain Error-----9
2.6 Differential Nonlinearity-----10
2.7 Integral Nonlinearity-----11
2.8 Signal-to-Noise Ratio-----12
2.9 Signal-to-Noise and Distortion Ratio-----13
2.10 Spurious-Free Dynamic Range-----13
2.11 Effective Number of Bits-----13
2.12 Figure of Merit-----13
Chapter 3 System Level Overviews of ADCs-----14
3.1 Top level-----14
3.1.1 SAR ADC-----15
3.1.2 Delta Sigma Modulator (DSM)-----16
3.1.3 Noise Shaping SAR ADC (NS SAR ADC)-----17
3.2 Sample and Hold (S/H)-----18
3.2.1 On-Resistance of MOSFET switch-----19
3.2.2 Charge Injection-----20
3.2.3 Clock Feedthrough-----21
3.2.4 kT/C Noise-----21
3.3 Comparator-----22
3.3.1 Input Referred Offset-----23
3.3.2 Kickback Noise-----24
3.4 Capacitive DAC (C-DAC)-----25
3.4.1 Mismatch of Capacitors-----26
3.4.2 Parasitic Capacitance-----27
3.5 Asynchronous SAR Logic-----27
3.6 Structure of Noise Shaping SAR ADC-----28
3.6.1 Cascaded Integrator Feed-Forward (CIFF)-----29
3.6.2 Error-Feedback (EF)-----29
3.7 Implementation of Residue Process-----31
3.8 Summary-----34
Chapter 4 Circuit Design Considerations-----35
4.1 Differential ADC-----35
4.2 Implementation of Noise Shaping-----36
4.2.1 Signal Model-----36
4.2.2 Non-Ideal Effect-----37
4.3 Sample and Hold (S/H)-----38
4.4 Comparator-----39
4.5 CDAC Switching-----40
4.6 Summary-----42
Chapter 5 Circuit Implementation of Proposed Noise Shaping SAR ADC-----42
5.1 Architecture of Proposed NS SAR ADC-----42
5.2 Architecture of Proposed V-T-V converter-----44
5.3 Design of V-T-V converter and SC FIR capacitors-----48
5.4 Design of Sample and Hold (S/H)-----50
5.5 Design of Comparator-----51
5.6 Design of Capacitive DAC (C-DAC)-----52
5.7 Pre-Layout and Post-Layout Simulation-----53
5.8 Summary-----55
Chapter 6 Experimental Results-----55
6.1 Measurement Environment Setup-----55
6.2 Chip Micrograph-----56
6.3 Measurement Results-----56
6.3.1 SAR ADC w/o Noise Shaping-----57
6.3.2 SAR ADC w/ Noise Shaping-----58
6.4 Performance Discussion-----60
6.5 Performance Summary and Comparison-----62
6.6 Summary-----64
Chapter 7 Conclusion and Future Work-----64
7.1 Conclusion-----64
7.2 Future Work-----64
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