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作者(中文):邱 瀚
作者(外文):Chiu, Han
論文名稱(外文):Networked Security Observer-based Tracking Control of Stochastic Quadrotor UAV System Under Cyber-Attacks
指導教授(外文):Chen, Bor-Sen
口試委員(外文):Huang, Chih-Liang
Li, Cheng-Wei
Wu, Chien-Feng
Wu, Chang-Xi
外文關鍵詞:network control systemmalicious attacklinear matrix inequalitiesreference tracking controlnonlinear stochastic system
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  • 點閱點閱:459
  • 評分評分:*****
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In this study, a networked security tracking control scheme is proposed for the stochastic quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) system under malicious attacks on the system state and sensor. By a novel discrete smoothed model, the model of attack signals can be derived and augmented with the quadrotor UAV model. Through a conventional Luenberger observer, attack signals as well as the quadrotor system state can be simultaneously estimated. Then, the corruption of the quadrotor UAV network control system (NCS) under attack signals can be avoidable. To make the NCS of quadrotor UAV be able to track any kinds of desired trajectory under external disturbances and actuator and sensor attack to complete its tasks, a reference model is utilized to generate the desired path of quadrotor UAV. For eliminating the influence from external disturbance and intrinsic fluctuation, a robust H_∞ observer-based tracking control scheme is introduced to attenuate their effects on the NCS of quadrotor UAV. Further, the robust H_∞ observer-based reference tracking control design can be transformed to an equivalent nonlinear functional inequality. Since the nonlinear functional inequality is not easy to be solved analytically or numerically, the Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy interpolation technique is employed to interpolate the nonlinear stochastic quadrotor NCS by a set of linear local systems via fuzzy bases. Then, the nonlinear functional inequality can be converted to a set of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). By the MATLAB LMI TOOLBOX, LMIs can be solved and the proposed robust fuzzy observer-based tracking controller of quadrotor UAV NCS can be easily implemented. A simulation example is provided to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
I. Introduction..............................................1
II. System description and preliminaries.....................2
A. Dynamic model of quadrotor UAV....................2
B. Network control system............................3
C. Problem formulation...............................7
III. H_∞ networked observer-based security tracking control design of stochastic quadrotor UAV..................................7
IV. T-S fuzzy networked H_∞ observer-based security tracking control for nonlinear stochastic quadrotor UAV system under cyber-attack.......................................................9
V. Simulation results.......................................14
VI. Conclusion..............................................17
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