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作者(外文):Lin, Hsin-Hung
論文名稱(外文):On Evolutionary Debunking of Moral Realism
指導教授(外文):Cheng, Hsi-Heng
口試委員(外文):Chen, Szu-Ting
Jian, Shr-Jie
外文關鍵詞:meta-ethicsevolutionvaluemoralitymoral realismmoral anti-realismmoral knowledgemoral skepticism
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William FitzPatrick和Russ Shafer-Landau反對演化式揭穿。筆者指出他們在辯護道德知識中使用類比推理。筆者認為有待討論的問題是:是否有充足的理由來禁止在辯護道德知識中使用類比?演化式揭穿者可能試圖顯示,實質倫理學和其它學術領域有所差異。筆者討論了差別對待實質倫理學的可能理由,並且認為,演化式揭穿者不公平地對待實質倫理學。
Evolutionary debunkers argue that the best explanation of moral psychological phenomena (e.g., valuing life) requires only purely descriptive social sciences, evolutionary biology, and psychology (e.g., valuing life is conducive to survival, and organisms inherit the tendency to value life), rather than assuming that "independent moral facts exist and humans are capable of grasping them".
Evolutionary debunkers also argue that moral psychological phenomena are subject to tremendous evolutionary influences, so we cannot have moral knowledge and thus moral realism is severely challenged. It is important to discuss evolutionary debunking because if evolutionary debunking is successful, then it implies that attempts to know substantively correct moral propositions are necessarily futile.
The main issue that this thesis deals with is “Is evolutionary debunking successful?” I argue that evolutionary debunking is not successful. This thesis attempts to refute evolutionary debunking, defend moral realism, and argue that moral knowledge can be established.
William FitzPatrick and Russ Shafer-Landau argue against evolutionary debunking by way of analogy. I raise the question: Is there a good reason to prohibit the use of analogy? Debunkers may try to show that substantive ethics is different from other academic fields. I discuss possible reasons for treating substantive ethics differently. I argue that debunkers do not treat substantive ethics fairly.
I then try to show that we can have moral knowledge. I first present FitzPatrick’s and Shafer-Landau’s idea that moral reflection can transcend evolutionary influences, and that we can engage in intelligent moral inquiry. I then take the position of pragmatism to explain the practicality and realness of morality. Finally, I highlight the characteristics and advantages of pragmatic realism by pointing out the characteristics and shortcomings of naive realism.
I argue that evolutionary influences have generally helped the development of substantive ethics. There are two ways in which it has helped. First, evolutionary influences have made possible moral cognitive ability, and moral cognitive ability has helped the development of substantive ethics. Second, evolutionary influences have made possible other cognitive abilities that have helped the development of academic fields other than substantive ethics that have helped substantive ethics.
第一章  導論………………………………………………………………………1
第一節  道德實在主義與道德反實在主義的爭論…………………1
第二節  對於道德實在主義的演化式揭穿…………………………3
第三節  章節介紹……………………………………………………6

第二章  差別對待實質倫理學的可能想法………………………………………9
第一節  William FitzPatrick在辯護道德知識中使用類比…………9
第二節  Russ Shafer-Landau在辯護道德知識中使用類比…….....11
第三節  有待討論的問題…………………………………………..19
第四節  實然和應然的鴻溝………………………………………..20
第五節  演化的影響並不促使道德認知能力可靠………………..26
第六節  結論………………………………………………………..28

第三章  實用主義的道德理論…………………………………………………..29
第一節  道德反思可以超越演化的影響…………………………..29
第二節  道德的實用性和實在性…………………………………..35
第三節  素樸實在主義vs實用實在主義………………………….40
第四節  結論………………………………………………………..44

第四章  演化的影響大致上幫助實質倫理學…………………………………..46
第一節  人類道德的發展歷程……………………………………..46
第二節  其它學術領域幫助實質倫理學…………………………..53
第三節  結論………………………………………………………..54

第五章  結論……………………………………………………………………..56

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