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作者(外文):Chen, Che-Chien
論文名稱(外文):On the proof of Kant’s radical evil and the relating puzzle
指導教授(外文):JENG, JYH-JONG
口試委員(外文):Kwan, Tze-Wan
Pong, Wen-berng
外文關鍵詞:Radical EvilPropensityUnsocial SociabilityDispositionThe Highest GoodTranscendental DeductionThe Reflecting Power of Judgment
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In Religion within the Bounds of Bare Reason, Kant claimed that the humanity is interwoven with “radical evil”, and explained that it needs “a priori argument” or “proofs” of anthropological investigation. Commentators get a great dispute about this. Allison asserted that Kant lacked his “formal proof” of radical evil, so we need to reconstruct a “a priori argument”. Wood objected to this kind of proof from the viewpoint of Kant’s anthropology. According to Wood, radical evil can be explained by “unsocial sociability”. My main thesis from the viewpoint of Kantian moral philosophy is that “propensity to evil” as a deed of free power of choice is a subjective tendency which disobeys moral law. Since the moral law is necessarily an imperative to the subject, this subjective tendency cannot be eradicated. The influence of this tendency can be overcome by the firm determination of virtue. Since “man is evil by nature” is a priori synthetic proposition, a “formal proof” is needed. Allison and Wood both made some mistakes on this interpretation. Allison equated “propensity” with “disposition”, which makes the “morally good disposition” difficult to understand. Wood's empirical anthropological interpretation of deed of the power of choice is an inappropriate reduction. Palmquist and Muchnik both argued that Kant’s thesis of “radical evil” needs a “quasi-transcendental argument”. Palmquist claimed that Kant’s form of argument is transcendental, so it is not empirical proposition. Muchnik put forward that it is one of the psychological limitations of our faculty of practical reason to invert the objective order of connection and replace it by our subjective order of association. I point out that the interpretation of “psychology” is questionable, because the “the propensity to evil” needs moral accountability. Therefore, I supplement Muchnik’s “quasi-transcendental argument” with “moral reflective judgment”. Taken together, I argue that Kant's “radical evil” needs a “quasi-transcendental argument”.
第一節 研究背景......................2
第二節 研究方法與論題................5
第一節 行動與道德價值................10
第二節 通常理性與愛好之間的自然辯證...12
第三節 幸福與義務...................14
第四節 道德狂熱.....................16
第五節 人的自然稟賦.................19
第六節 涉及道德的偏好................23
第七節 惡的普遍性證明................31
第一節 自由的意欲...................36
第二節 存心的選擇問題................40
第三節 愛好概念的演變................46
第四節 採納論題(Incorporation thesis).49
第五節 偏好作為主觀的實踐原則.........55
第六節 先天證明:向善偏好的不可能.....58
第七節 小結:先天證明的問題-惡的存心..62
第一節 人情性的惡行..................65
第二節 激情作為惡的條件...............67
第三節 在歷史理念下非社會的社會性......69
第四節 人類學的惡行..................73
第五節 根本惡的經驗性證明.............75
第六節 小結:經驗無法證明意欲活動的普遍根據.77
第一節 先驗證明的形式.................83
第二節 存心與偏好的區分...............87
第三節 準先驗證明與最高善..............90
第四節 歧義字詞討論:天生的意欲特性......97
第五節 歧義字詞討論:涉及根本惡的人類學.100
第六節 根本惡與道德反思判斷力..........103
第七節 準先驗證明的重構...............114
第八節 總結..........................117
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