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作者(外文):Cao, Xinxin
論文名稱(外文):Determinants of the decentralisation of spatial and territorial planning power for communities in England and Taiwan
Sturzaker, John
指導教授(外文):Chen, Ming-chi
Sturzaker, John
口試委員(中文):Lord, Alex
Pemberton, Simon
Edwardson, Stuart
口試委員(外文):Lord, Alex
Pemberton, Simon
Chen, Chih-Jou Jay
Lin, Yu-sheng
Edwardson, Stuart
外文關鍵詞:power decentralisationspatial and territorial planningneighbourhood plancommunity buildingurban and rural sociology
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近幾十年,在決定空間和土地相關規劃的決策中,其主要趨勢之一是規劃權力的下放以及決策過程的民主化,尤其是對基層規劃權利的賦予。這種權利的下方同時可以在英格蘭和臺灣觀察到。然而,我們對這種權力下放 (power decentralisation)趨勢背後的決定性因素仍然存在一些疑問。部分研究人員認為,經濟和政治因素是最具有影響力的兩個重要因素。在臺灣,盡管有證據證明越來越多的基層參與到了空間與土地規劃 (spatial and territorial planning) 中來。然而,我們卻很少討論這種是什麽引領了這種趨勢對權力變更的影響。因此,本研究的主要目的之一是對影響基層空間和土地規劃權利發展的決定性因素的探討。作者主要使用了質化化的研究方法,對四個英格蘭社區和四個臺灣的社區進行了深入的案例研究。通過對案例的研究本文發現發現,社會經濟上被剝削,可能會鼓勵此類社區參與到制定社區規劃(Neighbourhood Plan)中來。並激勵當地居民去改善其居住環境。但是,其結果不一定會促成規劃的實施。因為整個規劃體系對影響社區規劃過程仍然起到關鍵性的決定性因素。英格蘭規劃權力的下放的確創造了一些有利條件。使得基層可以參與到空間與土地規劃的過程當中。比較而言,在臺灣,規劃權力的下放對激勵當地社區發揮積極作用是有限的。本研究承認無論是英格蘭還是臺灣,目前的政策框架提供了權利下放的一個平臺。在英格蘭,規劃權力的下放的進程有可能同時也受到基層自身規劃能力的影響。而在臺灣,則同時會受到社會政治和思維體系的影響。但都不可否認,在這兩種情況下,這些重要的決定性因素都與其規劃體系緊密相關。研究最後建議,應該為在參與空間和土地規劃中的社區提供定期的培訓和支持。通過建立基層參與規劃能力的評估框架,英格蘭應當重視基層能力的培養。對於臺灣,則建議加強政策框架的建設,以便更好的開放和支持基層和社區參與地方空間和土地的規劃當中。
One of the key planning trends in recent decades has been the movement towards the decentralisation of power, and the democratisation of the decision-making process. Throughout the world, there has been a tendency for spatial and territorial planning power to devolve towards lower-tier authorities (such as parishes, town councils and community groups) and this trend has been observed both in England and Taiwan. However, there remains some uncertainty about identifying the determinants behind this trend towards decentralisation. In England, some researchers have suggested economic and political factors as being among the most influential. Although there is evidence of increased involvement of lower-tier authorities in spatial decision-making in Taiwan, there has been little discussion of the implications of this for power change in the territorial planning process. One of the main aims of the current research is to provide an overview of the determinants of this decentralisation on the spatial and territorial (S&T) planning power devolution involving lower-tier authorities. The research uses mainly qualitative research methods to undertake eight in-depth case studies of local communities – four in England and four in Taiwan. In the case studies in England, the research finds that social deprivation may encourage local communities to become involved in creating a Neighbourhood Plan (NP), as local residents are motivated to improve their living environment, but this may not necessarily lead to planning implementation. In Taiwan, however, although deprived communities face a complex range of socioeconomic challenges, there is little evidence that this has motivated lower-tier authorities or community groups to play an active role in the local planning process. The impact of the government-led local planning system remains the key determinant in the S&T planning process. While the England government’s move towards decentralising planning power has created some beneficial conditions for lower-tier involvement in the planning process, these benefits have not been replicated in Taiwan, where – by contrast – current approaches have limited impact to stimulate community to playing an active role in S&T planning at community level. The current research confirms the importance of government legislation as a platform for empowering lower-tier authorities, as evidenced by the case studies in England. The study also argues that the decentralised planning power is most strongly affected by, in England, lower-tier authorities’ planning governance and, in Taiwan, by the particular circumstances facing local residents in some areas. In both cases, the fundamental determinant is strongly linked with the legal planning framework. The research recommends regular training support for local communities in the S&T planning process in both England and Taiwan. Specifically for England, the paper develops an assessment framework for examining lower-tier planning governance, while for Taiwan, the paper recommends to strengthen lower-tier authorities’ inputs in undertaking S&T planning at local level.
中文摘要 iii
Author’s declaration iv
Abstract v
Preface vi
Acknowledgements vii
Table of Contents viii
List of Figure xiii
List of Table xv
Abbreviations xvi
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1 Chapter introduction 1
1.1.1 The socio-geographic contexts of Taiwan and England 1
1.1.2 Decentralisation in England and Taiwan planning system 5
1.2 Theoretical framework and research problem 8
1.3 Aims of the study and research questions 9
1.4 Outline of the research methods, structure and timescale 10
1.5 Conclusion of the chapter 11
Chapter 2: Theoretical framework around S&T plan-making power decentralisation 12
2.1 Chapter introduction 12
2.2 Methodology for literature review 12
2.3 Community in planning 13
2.3.1 Functions and forms of different communities 13
2.4 Raising of lower-tier authorities in planning in England and Taiwan 14
2.4.1 Power decentralisation in S&T planning 15
2.4.2 Planning decentralisation in England 18
2.4.3 Top-down decision-making approach 21
2.4.4 Planning decentralisation in Taiwan 23
2.5 Socioeconomic determinants and lower-tier authorities in planning 28
2.5.1 Socioeconomic differences and planning power devolution in communities 31
2.5.2 Understanding socioeconomic determinant on planning power change 33
2.6 Interdisciplinary explanation on determinants of planning decentralisation 35
2.6.1 Planning governance 36
2.6.2 Representativeness and planning governance 39
2.6.3 Natural environment and planning power 41
2.6.4 Government’s impact on planning decentralisation 42
2.6.5 Planning culture and community engagement 48
2.7 Conclusion of the chapter 53
Chapter 3: Research methodology 55
3.1 Chapter introduction 55
3.2 Research approach justification 55
3.3 Case studies selection justification 57
3.3.1 England case study sites selection 59
3.3.2 Taiwan case study sites selection 61
3.4 Data collection: case study approach and qualitative research methods 64
3.4.1 Semi-structured interviews 65
3.4.2 Analysing documents 69
3.4.3 Concept mapping 70
3.4.4 Observations 73
3.5 Participants for observation, concept mapping and interview 75
3.6 Data analysis — coding and content analysis 82
3.7 Primary data and secondary data 86
3.8 Ethics and limitation 87
3.9 Data management techniques 88
3.9.1 Document analysis 88
3.9.2 The amount of data 88
3.9.3 Shortage in group interviews 89
3.9.4 Credibility of data 90
3.9.5 Assessing the risk of bias 91
3.10 Conclusion of the chapter 91
Chapter 4: Study sites 93
4.1 Chapter introduction 93
4.2 Four case study sites in England 93
4.2.1 Appleton Thorn 95
4.2.2 Woodford 97
4.2.3 Winsford 99
4.2.4 Morecambe 101
4.3 Four case study sites in Taiwan 103
4.3.1 Wufeng 104
4.3.2 Jianshi 107
4.3.3 Dongping 109
4.3.4 Guanxin 111
4.4 Conclusion of the chapter 112
Chapter 5: To what extent might the differences in deprivation levels affect lower-tier authorities’ power in governing spatial and territorial planning at the community level in England and Taiwan 114
5.1 Chapter introduction 114
5.2 England 114
5.2.1 The relationship between deprivation and neighbourhood planning 114
5.2.2 Neighbourhood planning in more affluent communities 118
5.3 Taiwan 120
5.3.1 Deprivation conditions and spatial decisions 121
5.3.2 Lacking of active responses and actions in deprived Wufeng 124
5.3.3 Planning responses in affluent communities 127
5.4 Chapter conclusion 128
Chapter 6: How does the current planning system impacts on lower-tier authority’s power on making spatial and territorial plans at the community level in England and Taiwan 129
6.1 Chapter introduction 129
6.2 England 129
6.2.1 ‘Elitism’ 129
6.2.2 Citizen input in planning 134
6.2.3 Community regeneration 135
6.2.4 Multiple S&T plan-making functions at a lower-tier level 142
6.3 Taiwan 144
6.3.1 Valuing planning power of lower-tier authorities 144
6.3.2 Institution-led S&T planning issues in rural communities 145
6.3.3 Ignorance and exclusion remain 152
6.3.4 Lacking substantial planning power in rural and urban communities 156
6.4 Chapter conclusion 162
Chapter 7: What are other possible determinants which affect lower-tiers’ power in making spatial and territorial plans at the community level in England and Taiwan 164
7.1 Chapter introduction 164
7.2 England 164
7.2.1 Capacity and power decentralisation 164
7.2.2 Transparency, planning equality and power decentralisation 168
7.2.3 Plan-making methods, communities’ understanding and power decentralisation 172
7.3 Taiwan 176
7.3.1 Heritage of local cultures with its value 176
7.3.2 Socio-political determinants 177
7.3.3 Unmodified land —Interior conflicts 183
7.3.4 Unmodified land — ‘business-as-usual’ 186
7.3.5 Planning in Dongping and Guanxin 189
7.4 Chapter conclusion 192
Chapter 8: What recommendations can be developed for the governments in England and Taiwan? 193
8.1 Chapter introduction 193
8.2 Increasing lower-tier authority’s planning governance in England 193
8.3 Strengthening lower-tier authorities’ inputs in the local S&T planning-making process 203
8.3.1 Lower-tier authorities have abilities — issue identifying, planning evaluation, coordination and spatial design ability 204
8.3.2 Platform for lower-tier authorities engagement in S&T planning in Taiwan 209
8.3.3 Securing the substantial public inputs 212
8.4 Chapter conclusion 216
Chapter 9: Conclusion 218
9.1 Chapter introduction 218
9.2 Summary of the previous chapters 218
9.3 Answering the first research question 219
9.4 Answering the second research question 220
9.5 Answering the third research question 221
9.6 Answering the final research question 222
9.7 Answer the central research aim 223
9.8 Retrospective evaluation— research weakness and contribution 223
References 226
Appendices 257
Appendix One: Interview Question Type A 257
Appendix Two: Interview Question Type B 258
Appendix Three: Number of interviewees in England 259
Appendix Four: Number of interviewees in Taiwan 260
Appendix Five: Observation in Taiwan 261
Appendix Six: lower-tier’s authority planning governance assessment in the four communities in England 262
Appendix Seven: Concept mapping outputs 263
Appendix Eight: Observation Checklist 264

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