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作者(外文):Wu, Jia-Rong
論文名稱(外文):Research on Planning Optimized Subregional Scanning Path in 3D Lithography: Speeding up the Fabrication of High-Precision Micro Compound Lens
指導教授(外文):Fu, Chien-Chung
口試委員(外文):Lee, San-Liang
Jeng, Jeng-Ywan
Sung, Cheng-Kuo
Hsiang, Wei-Wei
外文關鍵詞:two-photon polymerizationsubregion fabricationpath planningpath combiningmicro compound lensfoveated imaging
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本研究使用雷射雙光子微影原理,以降低製造時間、提高微結構精度為最適化製程之標準,透過依功能將三維結構拆解為不同部件,並為其規劃最適化加工條件後,合成最適化加工路徑來大幅的降低製造時間,並且將加工機台與電腦輔助設計製造端連結,建立完善的加工檔案輸出軟體及大面積自動化製造模組,降低人為操作機台時間。本研究以製造結構複雜、中空、多層曲面的非球面複合式透鏡為驗證之載體,利用本實驗室自行建立之奈米3D微影系統製造之,捨棄傳統切層加工製造的方式,改以公式直接計算非球面透鏡之加工路徑,並搭配殼層曝光方法,使其能以更快的加工速度得到表面粗糙度低的透鏡表面。為了研究透鏡之最適化路徑規劃,加快製程速度並維持其光學品質,進行加工路徑線間距、加工速度、雷射功率以及路徑內偏方式等測試。除此之外,為加快製程參數測試的過程,降低人為操作時間,本研究對加工系統增加自動化大面積製造及製程參數測試模組,使其得以在多檔案加工時,進行加工功率自動更換。本研究之複合式透鏡為雙層透鏡,每層透鏡皆由兩個非球面透鏡組合而成,這些大小不一的非球面透鏡透過外盤支架結構與外框架做結合。由於複合式透鏡部件眾多,且須精準對位,又不同部件所需之路徑規劃也不同,因此,本研究開發了路徑結合程式,將不同透鏡部件規劃其最適化路徑之後,再將所有部件進行對位及結合,以確保其成像品質,因三維雷射直寫一體成形的特性,免去了透鏡部件對位的問題,並搭配雙光子微影的高解析度加工,使複合式透鏡可以有優越的成像品質。本研究最終將不同視場之透鏡以2×2的排列方式進行排列,且嘗試列印於CMOS Image Sensor上,驗證其成像,並嘗試以影像縫合之技術,達到將鷹眼視覺應用機器視覺合併之效果,將可被應用於各領域如內視鏡、機器視覺、光學計量元件、光學傳感器等等地方。
In this study, we aim to reduce manufacturing time and improve the accuracy when we use two-photon lithography to fabricate microstructure. We divided the microstructure into different subregions according to their function, planning the optimal scanning path of each part and combine them afterward in order to reduce fabrication time dramatically. Also, we built an automatic processing module for fabricating large-area structures array. We developed a software named Process Files Generator that can export the process files for the module. We used a micro compound lens, which is a complicated, hollow, multilayer, and curved structure, to verify that the Nano 3D Lithography System we built is able to fabricate a high-precision structure with low throughput time. We used the aspheric formula to calculate the surface of the lens instead of using the slicing method for planning the process path. By only writing the shell of the structure, we can moderately reduce the processing time and remain low surface roughness. In order to get the optimal path planning result that has the lowest fabrication time and excellent optical performance, we test different process parameters such as line interval, scanning speed, laser power, and shell offset orientation. Furthermore, we add a large area fabrication and parameter testing module to reduce human error when operating the system and speed up the process. This module is able to change the laser processing power with the same structure-array to form a parameter testing table. The micro compound lens we designed is a double-layer lens. Each layer combined with two aspheric lenses. The aspheric lenses and a disk-liked structure that connect to the support frame are combined to form a compound lens. Because each part of a compound lens has different path planning and needed to be combined precisely, we develop a path- combining software that can easily merge the different optimal process paths and then generate a new structure with faster processing speed and good quality. The alignment of four different FOV compound lenses is a 2x2 arrangement and finally printed on CIS. The Image of each compound lens is stitched, forming a foveated imaging system that has many applications such as endoscopy, machine vision, optical metrology, or optical sensing.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xiv
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 微米級複合式透鏡 2
1.3 研究動機 6
1.4 論文架構 7
第二章 文獻回顧 8
2.1 雙光子聚合 8
2.1.1 雙光子吸收 8
2.1.2 光致聚合 10
2.1.3 奈米3D微影系統發展歷史 13
2.2 高精度低耗時製造方法 28
2.2.1 提升加工解析度之方法 28
2.2.2 加工路徑改善之方法 31
第三章 研究方法與實驗規劃 32
3.1 奈米3D微影系統及實驗設備 32
3.1.1 整體系統架構 32
3.1.2 壓電式加工與位移平台 33
3.1.3 臨界點乾燥機(Critical Point Dryer, CPD) 34
3.1.4 人機介面與加工流程 35
3.2 實驗規劃 39
3.2.1 參數測試 40
3.2.2 複合式透鏡製造 41
3.2.3 光學成像分析 43
第四章 結果與討論 47
4.1 參數測試 47
4.1.1 自動化大面積製造及製程參數測試模組 47
4.1.2 透鏡路徑規劃 56
4.1.3 製程參數測試 57
4.2 複合式透鏡製造 63
4.2.1 複合式透鏡部件路徑輸出軟體 63
4.2.2 加工路徑輸出軟體開發 66
4.2.3 於玻璃基板上製造複合式透鏡 71
4.2.4 開發於CMOS Image Sensor表面製造複合式透鏡之製程 76
4.3 光學成像分析 79
4.3.1 透鏡成像分析 79
4.3.2 鷹眼透鏡成像結果 80
第五章 結論與建議 82
5.1 結論 82
5.2 建議 86
參考文獻 87

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