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作者(外文):Lee, Hsin-En
論文名稱(外文):Employ Gait Information to Identify Emotional States
指導教授(外文):Lee, Yun-Ju
口試委員(外文):Wang, Chun-Yao
Huang, Po-Chiun
Wen, Yu-Tang
外文關鍵詞:gaitemotion recognitionmental workloadmachine learning
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  • 點閱點閱:95
  • 評分評分:*****
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本實驗招募30位健康的18至30歲之間的受試者,收集四種情緒之步態:中立、開心、悲傷、高心智負荷。藉由回想法分別引起受試者的開心與悲傷情緒;高心智負荷藉由使受試者進行卡排配對測驗以誘發。在誘發情緒之後,受試者於實驗室走道上來回行走,並使用Vicon光學式動作捕捉系統收集不同情緒之步態。以頭部、頸部、肩膀、手肘、胸部、脊椎、腳踝、足部等姿勢參數及步行速度、步長以及步頻等運動學參數作為步態特徵,以SVM(Support Vector Machine, SVM)作為分類模型,使用10折交叉驗證法進行訓練,並以受試者70%的腳步作為訓練集,受試者30%的腳步作為測試集。對中立、開心、悲傷、高心智負荷四種情緒進行辨識。
本研究結果顯示使用高斯核函數(Radial basis function, RBF)對情緒進行辨識可得到較高的準確度,情感辨識之準確度可達88%。並且頭部、頸部、肩膀、手肘、胸部、脊椎、腳踝、足部角度及步行速度、步長、步頻可作為對高心智負荷的辨識特徵。並且步長及步行速度相較於其他情緒有顯著增加。在未來的研究中,可納入更多在不同情緒下之腳步,以增加模型的穩定性及辨識準確度。
Gait recognition can be used as personal identification and suspicious behavior traces. Different emotions result in different walking performances, for instance, walking speed, stride length, swinging amplitude of joints, etc. When people are angry, walking speed, stride length, and swinging speed of arms increase. When people are sad, walking speed and swinging speed of arms decrease, and the head angle of forwarding tilt increases. Hence, it can also be used in emotional and gait analysis applications to early detect depression and high pressure mental state.
In the current study, 30 participants from 18 to 30 years old were recruited for collecting gait performances of neutral, happy, sad and high mental workload. Happy and sad were elicited through autobiographical recollection, and high mental workload was elicited through concentration tasks. After emotion elicitation, participants walked straight on in the laboratory hall back and forth. The gait was recorded with a Vicon optical tracking system. Posture features were the joint angles of head, neck, shoulder, elbow, thorax, spine, ankle and foot. Kinematic features were velocity, cadence and stride length. Neutral, happy, sad and high mental workload identifications were through an SVM classifier with 10-folder cross validation while the proportion of training set and test set was 7:3.
The RBF-SVM model showed high accuracies in emotion classification. The accuracy in emotion classification was up to 88%. In addition, the result revealed that joint angles of head, neck, shoulder, elbow, thorax, spine, ankle, foot, and velocity, cadence, stride length are able to identify high mental workload, and velocity and stride length significantly increased more than other emotion. In future research, more subject data will be collected to enhance the robustness of the model and classification accuracy.
摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 III
表目錄 IV
圖目錄 V
第一章 緒論 1
1.1. 研究背景與動機 1
1.2. 研究目的與範圍 2
1.3. 研究架構與流程 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1. 影響步態的因素 4
2.1.1. 步態基本特性 4
2.1.2. 生理性因素 6
2.1.3. 心理性因素 7
2.2. 情緒定義 10
2.2.1. 正負向情緒量表 (PANAS) 12
2.3. 心智負荷定義 15
2.3.1. NASA任務負荷問卷 (NASA – TLX) 16
2.4. 步態辨識之分析方法 19
第三章 研究方法 22
3.1. 研究對象與使用器材 22
3.2. 實驗方法與流程 24
3.3. 數據分析 25
第四章 研究結果與討論 29
4.1. 量表評估結果 29
4.1.1. Postive And Negative Affect Schedule(PANAS) 29
4.1.2. NASA-TLX 31
4.2. 辨識績效 33
4.2.1. 績效指標評估 34
4.2.2. 特徵重要性 37
4.3. 特徵選擇後之績效 41
4.4. 研究限制 44
第五章 結論與未來方向 45
附錄一 46
附錄二 52
參考文獻 54

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