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作者(外文):Wang, Ching-Kai
論文名稱(外文):Using Neural Network to Identify and Prioritize TRIZ Effect Solutions
指導教授(外文):Yeh, Wei-Chang
Sheu, D. Daniel
外文關鍵詞:TRIZsystematic innovationeffect databaseproblem modelsolution modelneural networkmachine learning
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:224
  • 評分評分:*****
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本研究之貢獻包括:(1) 使用類神經網路辨識並排序合適效應解的解題模式,與傳統萃智效應資料庫解題相比,具備更優良的解題速度、效率、客觀性、可重複性、以及累積前人專家經驗以幫助解題的能力;(2) 開創出以數理化方法與機器學習工具取代傳統質化以改良各種萃智解題工具(如:演化趨勢、標準問題解、發明原則等)之研究方向與機會。
Instead of purely relying on logical reasoning and expert’s knowledge in the traditional TRIZ problem solving using effect database, this research developed a mathematical approach to identify TRIZ effect solution models using neural network. Using quantitative methods allows users to quickly and objectively obtain solution models with priorities based on the existing effects’ characteristics and solved cases in the database, which is accumulated judgements from many experts’ knowledge instead of an individual expert’s judgments. This is a paradigm-shift new problem-solving approach for TRIZ-based scientific research. The computer-based system uses the neural network learning model to automatically analyze which effects are suitable for the current problem with priorities. The results are more effective, more objective, more repetable, and have priorities compared to traditional TRIZ problem solving.
The contributions of this research include: (1) Using neural network to identify suitable effects with priority, which is faster, more effective, objective, repeatable, and is capable of accumulating TRIZ experts’ experiences in problem solving using effect database compared to the traditional TRIZ problem solving. (2) Implying and opening up many research opportunities for using various mathematical classifiers and machine learning approaches to identify various TRIZ problem solving tools, such as trends, effects, standards, inventive principles, etc.
摘 要...1
目 錄...3
圖 目 錄...5
表 目 錄...6
第一章 緒論...7
1.1 研究背景與動機...7
1.2 研究目標...7
1.3 研究成果與貢獻...8
1.4 研究架構...9
第二章 文獻探討...11
2.1 萃智概論...11
2.2 效應資料庫傳統解題工具...13
2.3 效應資料庫量化解題研究...14
2.4 類神經網路...15
2.3.1 類神經網路基本結構...16
2.3.2 類神經網路模型種類...20
2.3.3 倒傳遞類神經網路...22
2.3.4 倒傳遞類神經網路範例...32
2.5 K疊交叉驗證法...38
第三章 研究方法...40
3.1 效應資料庫問題量化方法...40
3.1.1 問題特徵陣列...40
3.1.2 解答特徵陣列...44
3.1.3 案例特徵陣列...45
3.1.4 效應特徵陣列...46
3.2 建立效應分析類神經網路模型...48
3.3 模型效果評估...55
3.4 模型實際應用...56
3.5 小結...58
第四章 軟體架構設計...60
4.1 軟體編程與設計...60
4.2 軟體介面簡介...61
4.3 軟體操作流程...63
第五章 研究結果與驗證...68
5.1 效應解答數敏感度實驗...68
5.2 模型穩健性檢定...70
5.3 不同特徵值定義方法間差異檢定...77
5.4 模型最終表現測試...79
第六章 結論...82

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